Dustin Faber

I’m sure that this has happened to others, but once on a two-lane road, I got cut off by a speeding F250 complete with plastic bull balls hanging off the back.

I’m 33 and my mind is still consumed with pogs.

Sadly they’re not available for the Vita in North America. But still available on the PSP and PS3. Not being able to save the game unless you get to a special stage is grating.

I’ll be starting year 3 of Stardew Valley. I should be getting the Greenhouse really soon.

This broke my heart and is also the best comment I’ve read in ages.

I bought Wind Waker HD for $20 as well last week, didn’t look to be part of a sale.

I hope you didn’t break your back bending over to pick up such low-hanging fruit.

It’s on 3DS. Runs great.

Now I’m having fun trying to figure out how a rich man could use his mustache to blackmail others. Maybe the mustache has hidden cameras built in, monitoring and recording the seediest of activities a red-blooded man can spiral into.

One for his cock made me laugh more than it should have.

Thanks for stopping by Roger!

For me, Yoshi’s Woolly World works better when the game’s display is attached to my controller.

We live in a small apartment, about 3-4 years from being able to buy a home. Promised my 4-year-old that when we get a house, she gets a cat. Thankfully she asks for cat and never for kitten.

Also, fuck North Korean dictators and their savory barbecue.

If they wrote political stuff you agreed with, you wouldn’t be complaining.

When people like Huff can’t find any instances of violence among protests, they default to “Don’t you have anything better to do?”

Brady. There’s more than likely Trump supporters on the Falcons as well.

That nuclear blast from Terminator scared the Hell out of me as a kid. Still freaks me out just looking at that gif.

I didn’t know fancy dogs got own people. Fancy AF.