Behind the wall of sheep

and yet still no mention of the hockey games in the “Today’s Guide to Ignoring the NFL”

Maryland Student: I just wanted to report that we keep getting hit by these little yellow things that really hurt.

One of the football players came under suspicion for his street name, Daisy.

When College sends its place kickers, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bring crime. They’re rapists… 

Aroldis is a free agent to be and there are 2 games left in the WS. He’s available for both.

Ben Bithop

If you switch the numbers in this chart, it applies to Russell Wilson instead

Then one day he was shootin’ at some food, and up through the ground came a bubblin’ gouda. Cheese that is.

This is bad for hockey and if you feel otherwise please stop watching hockey.

Sadly, he had no idea what to do when he reached third base

“My nasal cavities are yuge, just tremendous nasal cavities. They’re unbelievable cavities, the best, really. Just wait, you’re gonna love ‘em. They’re such great nasal cavities that, unfortunately, the slightest sound of air passing through them is picked up by a broken microphone. That’s the microphone’s fault.

Bautista’s bat flip was after taking the lead in an incredibly high pressure, highly emotional winner-take-all NLDS game, for a team that hasn’t been to the playoffs in two decades. What is a better time to bat flip? A meaningless late September game in which your team has already been eliminated from the playoffs?

Of course it doesn’t only happen in America but you guys are absolutely FUCKING RIDICULOUS with it

Fringe player trying to make an impression and he hits arguably the most important person on the ice/team in what would be considered awful in a game, let alone a practice scrimmage.

Jokes on you Josh Pauls! Coach Tortorella would have benched you for not standing for the National Anthem.

The Twins also lost his 3-HR game. I mean, really guys?

Ostensibly the punch really was a result of bautistas slide, and therefore Odor is a hypocrite because he has slid in a similar manner several times.

I get this view, but do you (or are you willing to) understand that to huge portions of this country the flag and the anthem have wholly different meanings?

If Kap wants to hang Hillary for the “super predator” comment given in one speech in 1994, that’s fair game.