We live in the best possible time to be alive on Earth. And you think we’re close to WWIII. The level of entitlement is strong with you.
“If someone comes into your space to disagree, they’d better play by your rules.”
My gut feeling is the kid was trying to do his darndest to keep absolutely silent, still, and as inoffensive as possible, (even up to keepping his hands firmly clasped behind his back) so as not to give anybody any ammunition whatsoever to use against him...
One could argue Phillips participated in child harassment.
If a baby is crying because they are hungry, and you feed them, aren’t you giving into them too? I don’t mean to sound rude about it, but it’s kind of the point.
How is Ben Shapiro a fascist? How is he a racist? I thought attacking people for different opinions and trying to silence debate was fascism?
They’re not immigrants. They’re illegal aliens breaking the law. If I get arrested, I’m separated from my kids. It’s not hard folks.
Thank you
android is literally the solution.
damn have you done coke at least?
toxic feminism
Welcome David! I have been a (UK-based) Lifehacker reader from the very beginning and hark back to the golden days when Gina Trapani and the team were discovering very helpful apps and solutions to life’s problems. Since then LH has IMHO gone downhill trying to sell us things and push political (notably liberal…
Every single Gizmodo, Jezebel and Splinter writer could stand to read this one.
I did that math.
I did that math.
The pay gap is a myth. You even stated it yourself: “The figure I used compares women’s wages to men’s wages as a whole.”
Lol. Guess you missed all the election coverage when Obama was re-elected, then. A man literally murdered his wife, kids, and then himself because he didn’t want them to “inherit” the “mess” of 4 more years of Obama.
I’ve steered clear of the Eero thanks to all of the data collection and sharing they do back to the mother ship. Does Ubiquity do the same or does it let you hang on to your privacy?
I’ve steered clear of the Eero thanks to all of the data collection and sharing they do back to the mother ship.…
10 years. 1 decade. 1/10th of a century. That’s how long the sad nerdgins have been sucking off “Lord GabeN” and finding some way to squeak, “HALF-LIFE 3 CONFIRMED!” into every damn Reddit post, appropos of nothing, completely forgiving the fact that the corpulent fat fucking liar, Gabe Newell, hasn’t even bothered to…