Joz Jonlin

So, I mentioned Greenland. It turns out that it didn’t set any temperature records last week. The Danish Meteorological Institute tweeted,

Just once, I would love to see a story that says climate change is going to make something better. That would actually be real news. Why? Because 99.99% of climate change news is always bad. Because of that, it’s easy to look at the overwhelming volume of climate news and think something really odd is going on. It’s

Facts > Feelings

“They’re drones or experimental aircraft.”

“he also said he’d take information against his political opponents from foreign governments—an act that would be a crime.”

I have no problem if a platform wants to ban people posting nazi ideology. What I do have a problem with is when they ban these people but won’t ban people on the far left calling for violence, like Antifa.  Either apply the banhammer as equally as possible or don’t do it at all.

This is all you really need to know.

I wonder why a Gizmodo writer wouldn’t actually educate readers on how Greenland’s surface mass balance gains and loses ice daily and seasonally?  Instead, let’s just talk up how much ice it lost (without context) and show a frightening video.  Nice job, as always.

That’s a lot of ice lost until you realize that in 2 days last November, Greenland gained 22 billion tons of ice. Then, when you realize it’s not all that unusual for Greenland to gain that much ice in that short amount of time, 12.5 billion tons of ice doesn’t seem like that big of a deal. I don’t expect a Giz writer

At the poles, at least, the atmospheric pressure is quite a bit lower than what we thought.  That also goes for the temperatures.  It’s the sulfuric acid rain that might make it really interesting.

When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.

“I’m worried it will take true systemic catastrophe to get some people’s attention.”

Detroit is a wasteland just like Baltimore.  In fact, look at every major city in the country with problems like those cities and there’s one common denominator.  Every one of those cities are overwhelmingly run by Democrats and have been for multiple decades.  Democrats and their policies in these inner cities should

In the early days back in the 80's, I loved tearing into some of the first games with copy protection or other various means of preventing people from playing games.  It wasn’t about getting something for free.  I was about the intellectual challenge of defeating those protections.  It was fun and educational but I

The entire Democratic party have been lying to everyone who would listen that Trump was a Putin puppet for the last 3 years and the evidence was overwhelming. It was a lie and it’s always been a lie. I can’t imagine ever voting for another Democrat in my lifetime. The hypocrisy is stunning.

So there was no conspiracy to collude with Russians by anyone on the Trump campaign. That’s clear by the first part of the Mueller report.

Perhaps it’s because I’m red/green color blind but the non-colorized areas of the photo look like a normal black and white photo to me.

This is fantastic propaganda.  Goebbels would be proud.

I’ve been thinking of reaching out to find a child missing a hand or an arm in order to print one for their use. I imagine that someday down the road we’ll be able to print one of these advanced prosthetic limbs at home with all the requisite circuitry.  That will be a great day. 

Don’t forget about the witch trials in Europe. Those were brutal. The Japanese during WWII? You can blame a Democrat president for that one. The Peaceniks deserved it due to their horrible fashion sense. The anti-vaccine movement seems to be mostly a bunch of left wing hippy holdovers who hate vaccines, gluten, and