Joz Jonlin

If you think it’s because we’re scared of people who are different from us, you’re deluded. Go to south Texas or southern California and you’ll likely find that Hispanic people are more numerous than any other ethnicity. No one is frighted of Mexicans or Hispanic people, in general in America, and particularly, in

As I said to someone else, every single child needs to be separated from the adults to determine parentage. With human trafficking being as huge as it is, we have a moral and ethical obligation to separate these children and determine parentage. Honestly, if you’re not for determining parentage and stopping human

There is absolutely a reason to separate families. There’s a huge market all over the world for trafficking children. How do you know the child who’s with an adult or adults actually are the parents? I would argue we have a moral obligation to separate every child with adults who are here illegally until parentage can

It can be difficult to prove that a couple of people illegally crossing the border have or have not stolen the kids they claim are theirs. Do we ask the adults for birth certificates and match those with the drivers license of the adult? But you’re right, those people shouldn’t be stealing kids. Child trafficking is a

Tell me something useful, like where to volunteer, donate, and protest to fight those volunteering, donating, and protesting family separation at the border? 

Bravo to her! If she gets elected, I hope she gets to carry her weapon anywhere she wants. We need more representation from strong and capable women.

There’s no evidence she said “you people” in reference to these gentlemen. There’s also no evidence of racism in this video. I’ll admit there might be racism if you’ll admit there might not be racism. That’s meeting in the middle. Still, there’s absolutely no evidence of racism in this video. This is a doctor who’s

We have no idea if she really said that. Just because they said she said it doesn’t mean she did. Her behavior was inexcusable which was evidenced by the video. Anything else is he said/she said. While her behavior was terrible, there’s probably a good chance that her instincts were correct that he was simply seeking

What part of anything in this video is an indication of racial bias on any level? I’m serious. I’ve watched it 3 times in a row just in case I missed something. I see a lot of people making these claims and after watching it 3 times, I still don’t see or hear anything to even suggest there’s a racial component in any

“Racially charge an already deteriorating interaction”

You’re right, there’s no excuse for how she handled that situation. At the same time, she wasn’t wrong in her assessment of that kid. It sounds like he went there by ambulance. Many people will call for an ambulance thinking it will get them in the ER and they get to skip the waiting room. An experienced triage nurse

I understand you were in a terrible amount of pain, but you were in the wrong place to be treated for your knee. A more appropriate place would be an urgent care or even a primary care physician. It’s also vastly cheaper. Now, a primary care physician can’t do much for a painful knee (neither can an ER physician), but

“I almost died in the ER because her.” 

While the doctor could’ve been a little more professional in her demeanor, she was also likely to be correct in her assessment of this kid. He’s not compliant with his meds, which might be a reason he had a panic attack. On the other hand, it’s obvious he’s not in any distress at any point in this video. His oxygen

Hey, one for you and one for me. By the way, stop taking Motrin. It’s recently been linked to male infertility. I seriously can’t imagine the amount of Motrin I gave out to my Marines over the years, but I was operating under the blanket of best practices of the time.

So, you want people in this country illegally so they’re unable to find legal employment and forced to work low paying manual labor positions to keep the price of your food down. That’s a really sick and twisted way to think about a group of people. These people would be far etter off if they were here legally and

Wait, so he’s here illegally and people are upset because he was detained and will possibly be kicked out of the country? Not only should he be kicked out, but his employer should be fined for hiring him in the first place. I’d like to see him sneak into any other country on the planet where he won’t bedetained and

“You are welcome to prove me wrong.”

Well, he’s done more to broker peace with North Korea than the Obama regime, so there’s that. He seems like a guy who would study for a test but tell everyone he didn’t study.

Yes, I was. I spent 3 years on Pendleton and loved being there. Then, when I left active duty, I spent a couple years with the 4th MarDiv. Those were great times!