I guess it's OK, but I'm one who's always prefered a darker, more subdued, screen. Kudos for the work he put into this.
I guess it's OK, but I'm one who's always prefered a darker, more subdued, screen. Kudos for the work he put into this.
In more Hollywood newsery, it turns out the lasers from Star Wars, as in all of them, were CGI. And Santa isn't real. Wait, what!?!
I've been using GravityBox for almost as long as it's been out and just recently turned on the Pie section. So far, so good. I have it on my new new Galaxy S 8.4, too, and so far, so good. GravityBox isn't perfect, but it's really an amazing piece of work.
This is nearly identical to my first console, but I think this was the 2nd edition, as my controllers couldn't be removed from the console. You could play pong, or tennis, and there was a toggle to play Hockey. You could play single or double players. The faux wood finish really made it look good with our console…
I was fired by a Walmart store manager years ago because I joined the Navy. He even told me that when he let me go. I was a kid at the time and didn't know any better. It wasn't until long after that when I found out it was an illegal practice. It was one of the few things in a right to work state I could have…
I feel your pain. I was once fired because my company was sold to another company and the new company didn't like the fact that I was making more than twice the amount of a starting employee. I had a minor accident with a company vehicle. There were no tickets issued or any injuries with anyone, so they decided to…
I was able to do that in junior high. In 7th grade, I could hold my breath (out of water) for nearly 5 minutes. At that point, I started losing consciousness. Around the same time, I was able to do right at 4 minutes under water. Part of being able to do this was practice and the other part was winning the lottery…
I live in Missouri, which lists at 7.7Mbps, and I can say, happily, my speeds are much higher than those listed here or even in the top range. I realize this is measuring the state as a whole, which really isn't that bad. Depending on the day, I can hit 30 to 60 Mbps.
Ahhh dang, now I have to drag out my old Nintendo 64. Guess who's going to pwn his kids on Goldeneye? Yup, this guy!
Did you realize the word cunt has been in use since the 1200's? There are many reported cognates for the word, but the true etymology is not completely known. One of the more interesting of the possible cognates is quim. While cunt was falling out of favor during the Victorian era, quim was on the rise. The word qu…
It starts by living within your means. Nothing against Walmart in this example, as I worked for Walmart years ago before marriage, college, and my career, but if you're living on a Walmart checker salary, don't have an expectation of driving the nicest vehicles and living in the nicest places. I know I couldn't…
Even as a guy, I feel for Jada, and it's quite possible he's going to wind up in prison somewhere where the same thing will happen to him, sans roofies.
I understand what you're going through, having worked private EMS in the past. Where I am now, we have removed backboards from our protocol for any and all suspected spinal injuries. That also means no more KED boards, as well. I suspect this will be the standard of care across the entire country, soon, and instead…
I have to agree that this is old school thinking. I remember when the National Registry taught pressure dressings, elevation, applying more dressings, and so on. The National Registry has now moved the tourniquet up in priority as the 3rd step. Now it's simply, apply dressing, and if it continues to bleed through,…
Do you still utilize backboards for suspected spinal injuries?
The CAT is the best, in my opinion. The fact that it can be applied with one hand is just one reason it's the best. The medic makes a great point that tourniquet application is not considered a last ditch effort, as it was in the past. At this point, you apply a pressure dressing to a profusely bleeding wound. If…
My question to sgosp3, and I mean no disrespect. Do you have Aspergers? The fact that you have your desktop inform you whether you need a jacket, to me, might be indicative of Aspergers. Other than that, this desktop is very similar to mine. I prefer an absolutely clean desktop. There's never a single icon…
Hey, just 'cause you're not rockin' a solar charger and waterproof case doesn't mean some of the rest of us aren't. I don't go anywhere without my solar charger.
Personally, I like Moon+ Reader. I've been using it for a few years now without any issue to read books in just about every format. Using it on my Note 3 has been an absolute pleasure. I make the page black and the text a medium gray, and usually read with the auto-scroll feature. It looks absolutely amazing on an…
Personally, I would prefer to leave my notification area as clean as possible and leave these icons far away from this area. If you need a quick access area outside of the homepage, try using SwipePad. It's free, and really seems to be a better solution than this.