HulkHogan's Weiner

Not if you’re not a AAA or darling of the indie scene. Your (assumed) wonderful product will be quickly buried by the aforementioned AAA and beloved indies and a shit-ton of garbage that flows into Steam on a daily basis. The biggest delta in your sales if you’re an unknown is to be on a new platform.

The Village has an unofficial “whites only” vibe to it. The one black family that was in my in-laws’ area were not happy campers. They were ignored, barely tolerated, or looked down on by many neighbors while others wanted the novelty of having a black friend. It was like a trip to the 1950s.

The ad copy writes itself:

It just keeps getting more and more bloated, year after year. Just like my ex-wife. Boom!

It’s also a great way to skirt the law (in CA) that requires employers to immediately pay out unused vacation time in case of involuntary separation. “What? They didn’t accrue any vacation time, it’s UNLIMITED!”

It’s a “business closure” yet they’ve got a skeleton crew of 25 working to finish another project? That doesn’t pass the smell test. People better lawyer up fast and sue them for whatever money-making IP they have left before it all disappears down some rat-hole.

Make a duckface and thrust your tits at the camera. This is a selfie for gods’ sake!