Henry H

Hitchens is, and will always be, a total fucking joke. He was so before he supported the war in Iraq, and he only increased in his joke-stature after that fact. And of course the “new atheist” movement, which he became a luminary of, is now basically dead, less than ten years after his own passing.

And quite possibly grounds for legal action.

“In a statement to Splinter, the Communications Workers of America confirmed they had been in talks with AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson about a wage increase tied to a pending tax cut”

I’m sure we’ll remember until the next time a purity test comes along Chelsea Clinton runs for President in 2020 and then we’ll end up with 3/4 the turnout we should.


So 3/4 of us will get tax breaks and that’s a bad thing? Let me guess, when taxes eventually do go up, you all are going to be cheering to have less money? For a lot of families, a few extra thousand dollars will go a long way. Putting yourself and your family first is not evil or selfish. It’s actually the opposite.

Look at all these demons celebrating the passage of one of the worst pieces of legislation in living memory!

He’s a shitty parent for being a celebrity that enjoys sports and sharing that with his son. Got it.

“some misfits surely would love an October Revolution.”

personally i think hes a good parent for removing his kid from a superbowl because he threw a tantrum, my kid acts up at the mall we leave.

Wait....he’s a shitty parent because his kid was throwing a tantrum? Do you have kids?

My point is that those leftists governments you want to emulate here are currently getting their asses kicked in elections all across Europe.

Wonder why that is.

Demanding other people spend their money on causes you support doesn’t make you any more of a hero than me, pal.

So desperate for content you are now recycling hot takes from 8 years ago?

And my stock portfolio appreciates the reduced corporate tax rate. Glad I have the opportunity to take more of my earnings and invest them.

So? I got one too.

I mean the war on terror is a great reason. If you want people like you (LGBT) around the world to have a better life, killing Islamists and ISIS seems like a pretty good start.

Because there aren’t countries with better living standards without similar stains, but there are people actively trying to make our country worse via terrorism, espionage, cyber infiltration, and a myriad of other things. Some people are inspired to help stop that. Obviously you aren’t one of those people, but some

Socialism sucks either way.