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    If it can’t go 450 miles while towing my camper and carrying 7 children and two dogs then there’s no point, honestly.

    Anyway, there aren’t a lot of details yet, but Honda did say that they will be bringing back a hybrid version of the Fit. No fully-electric one, though, for now.

    I’d say 90% of the people writing in asking for suggestions would be more than pleased with this (or a GTI) - but they never seem to think of them.

    I saw the M5 and literally laughed out loud.

    You know what’s not a Mustang? A motorcycle:

    The only pointless vehicles are the ones that people don’t buy. Crossovers keep brands alive and put money towards other arguably more “pointless”/useless products (e.g. Audi RS6 wagon).

    Did a crossover SUV fuck your girl or something ? Let it go, Elsa.

    Why would you put that into the universe ??

    Jesus was not present anywhere in that screed.

    Lots of things almost bankrupted Lamborghini. They weren’t a strong or stable company until VAG snatched them up.

    I doubt it, honestly. The same people who swear up and down that it needed a manual would have immediately pointed to the price tag and compared it to the admittedly better fit-and-finish of the Cayman - and ended up not buying either one of them.


    They’d make their quarterly revenue goals if they started a YT channel just for crash tests.

    “Trigger warning?”

    Needs far more stars. 

    You need to calm down, guy.

    It’s not the engine - which is brilliant - but it’s what they’re putting that engine in. DBX will (hopefully) get those quarterly earnings nice and padded, and likely find more hypercars and continuation releases...but it’s still fairly uninspired.

    Honda copied Audi - as have a number of other automakers.

    This car will likely never have more than three people in it at a time - nevermind five.

    CUE the lawsuits.