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    Working title: List Of FIA’s Successful Attempts At Squashing Innovation.

    I dunno if I agree with that. MINI, VW and Honda have been doing it for years - basically created the template for Hyundai to follow.

    So the fact that it was the cheapest of the bunch had nothing to do with it ?

    On the one hand, this feels a little bit like Viacom buying BET (aka not feeling it).

    This is aggressively stupid.

    The struggle of cable-cutting: not getting to watch the F&F marathons that usually run during the lesser holiday weekends. 

    Safety in number(of customer)s.


    It just needs a bigger battery and some funky doors (I’d license the hardware from Koenigsegg, Honda can afford it). I think that’d be possible while staying within the same pricepoint.

    I would sink a small island for that car.

    He would’ve killed you. Then it would’ve been his WR-18 idea.

    “Dated styling” - have you’ve seen one in person? “Dated is the very last word I’d use to describe the NSX.

    To be fair, this article is more critical of him and the soft-glove treatment he’s gotten, but if this was on Deadspin it would’ve been a paragraph long, at best.

    You can sum up his race results in one or two sentences. No need for a whole article basically restating what we already know (that he’s a fuckstick).

    “With PIN to Drive, you have to enter a four-digit code before you can drive, which makes it sort of like all those old Fords and Lincolns with numeric keypads I’ve never seen anyone use, and all of this seems like a much bigger ass-pain than putting a damn key into a hole and twisting.”

    I’m pretty sure in 15 years, some kid on YouTube will be able to walk you through swapping out the old batteries for new ones.

    I thought I was the only one who’s never seen these things. I’ve even driven past Chevy dealerships without catching a glance. 

    “The fact that the new SUV is getting tested on a race track at all is a clear tell that, as predicted, the new Defender is going to have a stronger bias towards the road and away from muddy fields and rutted desert tracks.”

    WingaDingaDingaDingaDinga is a keyboard/armchair enthusiast.

    This honestly bothers you?