The C7 and 2.0T came out in 2012. You mean the new C8?
Read it again. The 2.0 TFSI 4cyl has been in since 2012.
They started putting the 2.0 in the A6 in 2012.
It’s a good thing we had the jeeps to storm the beach. If we had sent men we would have lost thousands that day.
You seem like a nice guy but your knowledge, context and execution read like an uniformed third grade essay. Might as well have a Jezebel writer report on F1.
It’s painful for the actual fans of F1 on here to read.
140 lb dog?!
I thought the only new civilian owned 200s were won on The Price is Right
Please don’t report on F1 ever again.
My thoughts exactly. This guy sounds like a Jezebel writer assigned to write about F1.
Open up a 150 year old pocket watch made by hand by a guy in a shack in Switzerland. Look at the cogs, jewels, springs and think about how it was made to unwind and tick precisely to coincide with the worlds measurement of time. They’re incredible machines that not everyone can appreciation. Look at videos on YouTube…
“Hey Russ, a guy from the mirror division wants to have a word with you.”
Still waiting for a projectile tracking device that clings to the vehicle and allows them to track it from a safe distance. The technology would be easy to make and would save lives.
Ferrari is trying with the 812 Superfast
(We’ll know more about whether we can add it to the supercar list when the mid-engine Corvette drops.)
Let it go
You sound like a crusty old BMW mechanic