I think perhaps he’s referring to the fact that cities that have viable public transportation are not as common as you might think.
I think perhaps he’s referring to the fact that cities that have viable public transportation are not as common as you might think.
I’ve never heard of either of those films.
yeah this is where I’m at with this whole thing.
Wait what do you mean didn’t hold up his end? Wish I Was Here was completely released, which afaik is the “sequel” to Garden State.
Have you ever seen Garden State? It’s a remarkably tender and thoughtful movie, and the trio of Braff, Natalie Portman, and Peter Sarsgaard is brilliant on screen together.
reportedly in exchange for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R) “agreeing not to hold up future federal nominations by the Biden White House,”
I think in this context, Cos is short for Costner, not “cousin.”
100% Agreed. My parents aren’t monsters, but they’re ... not very good people, either. My mom constantly deadnames my niece, my dad is a bigot and a racist, and they both have just about every stereotypical boomer prejudicial bad habit or viewpoint you can have. I’d really just rather never speak to either one of…
go back under your bridge, troll.
No one’s saying he doesn’t have the right to state his opinion. They’re just overjoyed that he’s giving an idiotic and inappropriate opinion on a woman’s appearance and got what was coming to him...which was a bunch of other people giving him their opinion of his opinion. See how that whole free speech thing goes…
Surely, Florida can’t pay it’s bills and goes bankrupt, the GQP will stick to their party position on poor people and move to evict it from America, right? Seems like a solid up-side to me. At this point, I find it hard to even feel bad for anyone living in Florida. GTFO that toxic state and let it die.
What a shit take. The company is offering this compensation because of the unionization push. It’s a defensive measure, and without a collective bargaining agreement (eg-union contract), they can take it back away, trim something else, or otherwise re-fuck all these employees in any way they want as soon as the…
If a crime is committed that has a clear victim or group of victims (and usually only a minor crime), and those victims discourage law enforcement from pursuing litigation (by declining to file a complaint), then law enforcement will generally save their money and decline to file charges.
my god if only fps games could die in a fire...
I don’t know how a discussion LITERALLY about taste can ever be said to be “objective,” but as someone who has drunk black coffee only, by preference, for roughly 30 years, I would rather have Folger’s French Roast than any bean from Starbucks. All of their coffee tastes like ass to me, and always has. My wife was a…
also: I’m pretty sure you cannot currently watch Dune at home, and also fuck slideshows.
Fuck (and I cannot stress this enough) slideshows.