
To paraphrase Lin-Manuel Miranda:

slideshows are stupid.

Well, we already have “The Boys” so you’ve got most of that in there.

Thanks for that.  I’d never heard of this guy before.

except they’ll never be in that position because these people pulling these strings have proven repeatedly that they and their entirely families are above the law.  Hell, we can’t even get the government to move on any of the MANY violations of the Hatch Act.

I take it you don’t recognize the Blues Brothers quote?

So, is this game worth getting if you really aren’t interested in multiplayer?  Because it looks cool, but if I can’t solo or possibly duo everything I want to do, I’m not going to pick it up.

Fuck off. Pre-ordering video games is a scam and is destroying video game quality.

Fuck off. Pre-ordering video games is a scam and is destroying video game quality.

this is what i came here to say.

Today, in a Target in Alabama, I saw a redneck wearing a MAGA face mask.

And I’m sitting here blissfully happy I’ve never heard of her before I saw this article.

counterpoint:  CW shows are pretty big, good things for an actor to aspire to.  At least they are generally well-received, steady gigs.

Came here to say that the worst part about all of this is AOC only getting a soundbite when she should have gotten half a night to speak, found that you’d already said it.  

By all means, keep projecting things I never said into comments.  I’ll be moving on with my life now.  Please get help.

You are trying to make this something it’s not.  Yes, of course it’s about priorities.  That doesn’t make it hard, or complicated.  It makes it something that has to be important enough for you to do *if it’s something you want enough to bump it up your list of priorities.*  Full stop.  My partner loves to cook as

There’s a lot to unpack in this small number of sentences, but in a word:  no.

pump the brakes, here.  there is a HUGE difference between recognizing that things need to be improved in order to be healthy and shaming them for being the way they currently are.  Yes, there is a wide range of body types outside of the conventionally idealized figure that can be healthy, but Fat Acceptance (wouldn’t

No, but interestingly enough, female interviewers are able to ogle, fondle, and objectify musclebound leading men in ways that absolutely would NOT work the other way around.  There are certainly double standards both ways.

Definitely true that folks on the skinny end of the spectrum could have issues. But 100% true that obesity is a problem of epidemic proportions in the united states, so “fat acceptance” or what ever you want to call the far end of the diagram on body positivity (where people pretend they are fine when they are not

Look I’m all for loving yourself no matter the condition your body is in.  But carrying around a high percentage of body fat IS UNHEALTHY, and no amount of self-love or acceptance from the general public is going to change that.  There’s a point when body positivity can become toxic by enabling people who are