Well that really really sucks.
Well that really really sucks.
Coke Zero Vanilla and Cherry are amazing.
Not for nothing, but if one wanted to quickly peruse a literary source for info on the backstory of ASOIAF, one need look no further than the excellent World of Ice and Fire book.
Never change, Florida Man. Never change.
I still don’t know what a dab is, and at this point, I’m afraid to ask.
to get pregnant
No that just makes you a cunt.
This makes me really sad. I thoroughly enjoy ME: A and see myself doing multiple single-player playthroughs of it to try out different versions of Ryder as I have in the past with different versions of Shepard. I would have loved to see a DLC expansion where the quarian/geth/batarian/volus/drell/hanar ark showed up…
congratulations on that stretch. I didn’t know there was a way to reach far enough to drag an imaginary race card into this argument.
I really wish this was actually an article instead of a link to a video.
Maybe it’s gone in Pittsburgh. I work in 7 different steel mills within a 20 mile piece of lakefront.
If automation were the whole problem, we would have a much smaller, but still thriving, steel industry. There is a 0% chance that the move more and more away from buying american steel hasn’t contributed to the decline in the american steel industry.
I am not following every word that’s an embedded hypertext link on the off chance that it’s a clunky reference.
“thanks”to the collapse of the steel industry...?
Is anyone actually surprised by this?
I was thinking the same thing. Did it end later?
Yeah I do my best to avoid vehicles for Scientologists. I know I miss out on some good programming that way, but I’m fine with that.
I love all of these graduates.
I have no words for how little I care about any of these. <—- Well I guess I have those words.
You’re essentially exactly right. It was basically something like them saying “well if we can’t stop the gold sellers, let’s just make a little money off of it ourselves”