
For the past years Mopar has had the Easter Safari outing. Unfortunately it's just to torturer Jeep goers, Of what they could produce and don't. My favor last couple years was 2012's J12 truck Took the look like something the original Jeep Gladiator j20 made in early 60s, this truck had everything all the way down to

For the past years Mopar has had the Easter Safari outing. Unfortunately it's just to torturer Jeep goers Of what they could produce and don't. My favor last couple years was 2012's J12 truck in red. To look like something they original Jeep Gladiator j20 made in early 60s, this truck had everything all the way down

I'm sorry paying 9+k and it don't even have the most need rat rod assessor the Mexican blanket seats, WTF!!!...

Good luck with that I have been asking Matt Hardigee for jalopnik stickers for a week now haven't got anywhere, good luck on that plane ticket.

Top gear saves this shape for burnouts only.

Tree got it!

Now that's comedy

I think the kid from family circus has become a racetrack designing engineer.

Matt still waiting on that sticker.

I can totally sympathize with you I had to buy a Prius for good mpg with my crazy daily drive, but I Love to drive if you could not have the option to turn off the automatic pilot I couldn't have one of those cars! Consider a weekend convertible if you can it saved me from being a title Prius owner.

"I'm good!"

"I'm good!"

Matt needs to send me one I already rock the sticker on my forza cars.

Matt send me a jalopnik sticker I will rock it out on my wrangler!!!!!

If the flight was going to Grand Cayman Island HELL, Sign me up!!!

Let's be honest there are two guys, Jay Leno will be in the front of the line, but
let's be honest Jay will get it before the general public and Dennis Gage will be at the end of the line humbly and happily letting people cut in front of him.

vader is that you?

I hope people start throwing yellow flags at him. For being a living breathing walking penalty.

You teasing, teasing whore just build it for fucking sakes.