
You know I will say I have endless grippes about the church as a whole, but this is truly a noble move for a pope to say I'm not for the rich guy and more for the poor and normal people. But still I think the "free candy van" is still appropriate for the out going pope.

As a kid there was only two type of movies for me Muppet movies and Herbie movies thank god VHS just got popular in the early 80's. Then I got older and the Star Wars & Indiana Jones bug got me.

It's sad nothing for Texas and Florida redneck to do, no more mini trucks and no more mullets. What to do? oh they cook meth now. No worthies.

Quentin Tarantino, Death Proof
Only thing you need to be in this seat.

Animal House Deathmobile

I'm saving my convertible dollar bills for this. This is the Concept for the convertible, subaru brz/ Toyota gt86. Which hopefully will come out in a turbo and hybrid options!

Burt Reynolds redeemed himself in my eye in Boogie Nights.

Jalopnick auto corrector strikes again.
Thank I'm going to trademark it now 70s porn producing here I come.

Reasons it is a good movie we are talking about it today, the movie is over 30 years old it's a classic.
Only movie to compare it to is smoking the bandit but only because of the chase scenes.
Blues Brothers is for all ages you can sit any kid, And watch that movie.

I think we found the secret to VW's need for buying Ducati and Lamborghini.

By Bob Shubin, jr.
From: FastLane Daily

For 4.62 million Reasons!!!....

If Ferraris aren't burning their drowning.
Must be hard owning an "uber car".

Honestly I don't care what the airport looks like just get me on my plane without raping my wallet and me at security.

Always believed in reincarnation, it's good to see good old George Washington still doing good.

I got it this if for the LA plastic sergeants, instead of running their business out of an alley.

Michael could you next time ask the owner, I want to know how meany times his car has been broken into having a soft top? I've owned many jeeps currently own one now, and I'm just wondering how many times been broken into compared too my break-ins and the size of my city CLT NC vs BIG NYC. A little risk of having the

Finally Chris Elliott has an excuse.
"Get A Life"

Nothing wrong with Pomeranians.