
I think guns are the least of our worries here. There are a lot of things America as a whole needs to work on...insert failing law or government system here...

The judicial system working at its best. Although, without following the proper protocol this idiot will be set free...at least the next time he won’t have a weapon and he’ll get his a$$ whooped.

This might just be the comment of the day. However, build a wall and man will build a ladder to overcome it.

The good guy with the gun was following the law. No guns at stadiums and no guns while drinking alcohol or under the influence of any mind altering substance including prescription medications. This isn’t a situation where the “good guy” should have been carrying a weapon either. Guns aren’t meant to stop you local

Not an open carry state at this time. Also, for any law abiding gun owner with a concealed handgun we follow the laws put forth by the lawmakers. You can’t carry a weapon...1) On the grounds of a stadium/gun free zone...2) You are not permitted to concealed carry or be in possession of a firearm, other than in your