
This isn’t quite the same as a previous life/ghost story. But all the little (younger than 12) kids in the neighborhood tell each other stories about the “Lickskillet” as a small, round hairy man with long fingernails who will take you away if you go outside at night. I don’t quite know how this one got started, but

Those classes were so useless! I’ve adopted one of my kiddos too, and my only advice is that it gets easier as they get older. Also, choose the fights! That was my hardest lesson. I kept trying to “win” every argument, even when it didn’t really matter. Ours was that she didn’t want to sleep with a fitted sheet on the

I was raised full hippie. We talked out conflict and never raised our voices. The only household rule was no yelling. It’s very hard to have conflict when you’re restricted to hissing. I am now an almost preternaturally calm person. I’ve been caught between screaming mobs with machetes, I’ve had loaded guns pointed at

Sometimes it helps me to sort of step back and look at the battle. What are the options. 1) You yell and your kid brushes their teeth. 2) You don’t yell, give up. And no teeth get brushed tonight.

I assume there are going to be supporters/protesters standing with the migrants. So when the troops are told to fire... on Mexican citizens, who are in Mexico... WTF?! Arg...

Seeing her trending makes me want to vom, and yeah, she’ll get my vote if she wins a primary. But no. Please no. First Native American President...should not be that white woman.

I work Saturdays so my mom takes my kid for Saturday and she usually spends the night there. On weekdays if there’s no school there’s a free tribal youth center that she goes to. Otherwise my work hours match with her school hours. My mom also keeps her if I need to go grocery shopping etc.

I have no helpful suggestions, but I’m in the same boat. I managed to wait to have intercourse until after I’d had the HPV vaccine, so mayyybe I’m okay? I’m not sure. My problem is that I have no special category in my head for doctors, it’s all just stranger danger. And there’s no way I’m getting in some stirrups. I

Any opinion about blueprint pension plans?

Have you tried a retin-a? I recently got a cheap ($11) organic derived (???) one off amazon and noticed a HUGE difference in my hyper pigmentation after only two weeks. it’s almost all gone. i wish i’d done it sooner. 

the original man-eating predator

I once worked in a building without running water or a bathroom. I was the only one in the entire building (kept open for tax residency purposes). My remote boss fired me for leaving too often.

Laneige is literally the only one I’ve ever used but! It’s basically just thick face lotion. Like perhaps the consistency and absorbency of a nice body lotion.

Laneige is literally the only one I’ve ever used but! It’s basically just thick face lotion. Like perhaps the

Awhile back someone posted about “blueprint” a private pension fund. I’ve looked into but can’t manage to move beyond suspicion. What’s your opinion?

tarte bb cream is my favorite!

Ahhh sweet catharsis... this entire comment is better read in all caps. Fyi.

I’m far down the line in these comments but I just want to say this here. I watched one of my best friends die in front of me five years ago. She needed a hysterectomy and never stopped bleeding. She’d visit the ER and they’d give her blood and then discharge her. She walked around wearing Depends until she couldn’t

Well, maybe I should get that “unable to work” insurance thingy...

I’m here looking too. Are they okay!? Is there some sort of emergency? (No, because their human has a life.)

I caught up on Z Nation and am listening to an audiobook about killer mermaids on a reality tv show. It’s really good, and this is a perfect summary of my tastes.