
HOW is she still this furiously angry after all these years? She might feel hard done by because she wasn’t asked to stay in the role she’d done well for 3 seasons but, frankly, I wouldn’t want to work with her either. If she’s this insulting and vicious years later I wonder how unpleasant she made life for the rest

YES! A LOT of the stuff said about Theresa has been pretty classist and racist. All that ‘omg the housekeeper is wearing Chanel!!’ stuff has been grating on my nerves. If she was a white, blonde woman this would have been a different story.

How did this become such a serious situation? I mean this is FUNNY! The wrong movie got an award for all of 5seconds - how is this a disaster that’s cost two people their reputations but Steve Harvey is a meme riding high on public hilarity for doing the exact same thing? The only people who should have the right to

seems a bit cruel to be asking him about whether he plans on having children (though normally I would be sighing with relief that a guy is being asked this instead of Jennifer Anniston) considering he lost his daughter and then his gf in tragic circumstances nearly 20 years ago. Can’t remember ever having seen him

I’m kind of confused by this story. Surely to call police you have to allege a crime is happening? What crime could be happening when someone is asleep on an aircraft? Was Mykki being accused of anything specific? Did the passenger just dial 911 while in the air? Or was there any kind of interaction with staff? Did

From the show’s (very white) point of view they sort of DID test the waters with a ‘passing type girl’. Last season was JoJo who was half Iranian. Remember how we were promised a Bachelorette’with a little more diversity’ last season and we all thought they meant half Filipino Caila? Then it turned out to be JoJo. She

only if we could do it on top of that massive stone he had ‘controls on immigration’ carved into for his last election campaign.

feels like the press are enjoying Mischa Barton’s medical emergency a bit too much- and that includes Jezebel. Ziggy Stardust is her dog’s name. She wasn’t ranting - she was probably looking for her dog. Her neighbours are the kind of stand-up people who took photos of her and sold them to the press. If you have to

This seems like one time when it’s ok to cast a white guy as the black guy. Having to make-over a black person to play someone who looked so white just seems like an impossible task and would be a nightmare for the black actor involved. I’ll throw a white guy under that bus rather than demand a black guy is put

This seems like a strange construction around the main question - if the question IS ‘is this writer indigenous as he’s claimed to be?’. I’m not sure the relevance of the place we started with Margaret Atwood passing on information that Boyden had supposedly given her about someone else’s heritage. If the question is

Do you feel like she took something from you? Is that why you’re pissed?

your internalized misogyny is showing.

why the hate for Karreuche? What’s she ever done to you? She’s an Emmy winner who’s survived a shitty relationship with a known domestic abuser and come out of it with dignity and self possession. While Chris Brown is publicly threatening every guy who communicates with her she’s getting on with her life and doing it

*raises hand tentatively* hi, I’m a bit confused. How can OfGlen return in The Handmaid’s Tale? How can there be a second series? It’s one book with a pretty definite ending and OfGlen is indicated very strongly to be not returning. Are we expecting a new ending? Where we follow OfFred after she’s been taken away and

Do you not realise you are commenting on an article that includes the emails? Everyone else commenting has clearly read them. Maybe you should read the article yourself instead of skipping straight to the comments.

I think you might have missed the point of this story. The landlady has just admitted that what she has been saying in public is false. That there are no threats, no one is in danger and she’s making it up for attention. That’s what she did when she continued to advertise the property for rent, when she tried to

Even fictional women can’t live up to the image required for public office.

If having the choice NOT to have a child is eugenics and population control then what category do services that HELP couples have a child fall into? After all it’s been pretty clear that his twins with Mariah were created with the help of IVF (c’mon, woman in her 40's quickly falls pregnant for the first time with

I would buy posters of that image.

As Taylor Swift is currently deep in a lawsuit with a DJ who groped her at a meet and greet fan event I wonder if her publicity team might be encouraging some clearly nonsense stories like the pregnancy one? It keeps her in the public consciousness and feeding the press guaranteed big seller headlines will mean they’l