Black ishaya

So if a dog serves its human master rather than its natural need for food and water because it’s given from its human master it’s domesticated. Then why not a human who is given those same things by its government? If left untouched what happens to a human child? It attaches itself in some way to a group willing to

Do not dogs bite you if they are eating and you reach for their food? Domestication is only a level of taming. Each family may have a dog from the same litter but each house dog has differing levels of obeisance? True? The wording may be a little off but the point is the same. Dogs, cats, elephants ect will still

This article was great the problem is you are delving deeper than it did but here we are let’s go...

Think about raising a child do we not domesticate each one of them? They all have instincts which we constantly trying to change to meet social norms

Most if not all animals go ‘feral’ if left to their own devices, the point is domestication is human interaction/ intervention causes other species to change their core actions. If horses have a fenced area and a ‘master’ who calls them in at night and feeds them oats . ..what happens? Less of their natural instincts

Mainly our protection though

Domestication is just a high level of taming. We have done this with many species people have resided with all kinds

And then I went to the carnival and elephants gave rides...hmm

And we be ancestors of apes eh? What’s your point?

Just get to the point or you just become a troll. State the question or point repeatedly if needed but when you point to earlier posts you have lost your original meaning. If people don’t get it try to simplify

So are we taming or domesticacting you as well...domestication can be split up into different terms but the end result is an animal or plant serving us to its best correct? If you are choosing your words for this article and future ones based on our input how are you any different? (Political correctness) in this