Wei Sun

Splatoon has some good ass lore, I was not personally aware until I ended up fighting fish paste Hitler piloting a mecha Statue of Liberty. Good times.

The highlight of every Splatoon story campaign involves Squids singing something so you’re not far off.

The point of Bridget’s story is she’s afraid of choosing a gender identity because of her complicated past and what it would mean to choose the gender identity her problematic parents assigned her. Goldlewis and Ky assures her that she has the right to choose anyways, and that any choice Bridget makes is valid, as

The companies making our favorite modern AAA games are all hierarchical, I think we need to start recognizing that the Valve model is simply worse for making actual games.

Writing is such a small part of the game development effort, a writer's pitch isn't going to make anything happen. Someone in dev has to be on board.

I don't know why I though rise stopped doing gendered armor sets, remembered wrong.

Most modern franchises like monster hunter have figured out by now that you don’t have to make two animation sets for men vs women, both genders move roughly the same in combat. Plus, Men want to wear skirts and women want to wear pants. Gender locked clothing and animations is just wasted effort at this point.

Its literally not even that, it’s just don’t literally dress like explorer colonizers because holy shit does that have a very poor connotation for asian countries that were directly exploited by those people specifically. They stole shit. They killed people. It’s the literal worst costume they could have picked.

If you look at her artwork she reverse grips her sword a lot because she’s too cool to hold a sword properly.

It’s not uniformly true for guilty gear, though. I-No and Ramlethal both show less skin than the previous iterations, and Millia also covered up more since the previous iteration. Baiken’s relative lack of restraint stands out a lot in this particular iteration of guilty gear.