Princess Leia and Ripley were my brunette heroines in a vast sea of vapid 80's blondes. Anyone who can’t understand what they meant for girls of a certain generation can go jump in a lake.
Now if you excuse me, I’m going to go light candles for the continued health and safety of Sigourney Weaver and Betty White.
I also lost it with Alan Rickman, David Bowie, and Prince.
She was also a highly respected script doctor, known for saving Sister Act and The Wedding Singer, among dozens of others.
I’ve been upset and sad about a bunch of the celebrity deaths this year, but this is the first time I’ve been just straight up sobbing. I just don’t want this to be true.
Also, unfriended a person I knew from college who was making fun of people caring about her as Leia. Okay, assface, we get it that you’re above Star…
FUCK 2016. I DON’T WANT TO BELIEVE. May force be with you and you be one with a force.
This is some fucking bullshit. Carrie Fisher—life idol to millions of women across generations for her strong…
“one more punt” before we go
“Presidential” communication at its worst:
I’ll cut Mixon some slack if he punches Grayson Allen in the face....5 times.
Safe travels
MF Doom and RZA
A great year to enter a coma, and a horrendous year to awake from a coma.
It was not judicial misconduct. It was human misconduct.
This is shaping up to be a real banner day, isn’t it.
The California Commission on Judicial Performance ruled on Monday that Judge Aaron Persky, who sentenced former…
Funny, because right now our “National Anthem is a song from Tetris and the Statue of Liberty’s torch has been replaced by an L piece.”