Aaron James

I haven’t even seen a Supra yet Lol. I own a C7 though so it always throws me for a loop when someone says it’s not a good daily driver.  It can drive just like an Accord if you need it to.

I’m sure he has not, also quite sure he’s never driven a C7

that’s the media for you.

Yeah I think your only option is a rust free donor car.

Lasers would be illegal to use on any street car so it would have to be a JC Whitney exclusive.

When your wife has to get up in the middle of the night, get dressed, put shoes on, and walk across a campground to use the bathroom in the pouring down rain, it’s all going to come to a screeching halt...

What starts out as “fun, cozy, and romantic” quickly turns into an absolute nightmare. With no toilet and no shower you are setting yourself up for failure.

yes, I have 2 kids so I very much want to live.

I love it too, I love all of Icons stuff but I bet this one is at least 500k and maybe even a cool million.

My buddy had one in highschool in the early 90's. It’s got a Turbo so it was quick for the time and handled better than anything else we had. (mostly 4cyl ecno boxes and mini trucks)  Fun little car.

Merkur XR4Ti

you should have to take classes and pass a test to turn off a mustang’s traction control.

First class. It used to be a better meal, now it’s a better life...

google jelly bracelets.... it was a 90's thing.

There is way too much going on there in the back. That straight on back view has my head spinning. The rest is flat out gorgeous though...

How about this one over 1100 miles florida to ohio, on and off the highway.

Why even wear a helmet if your going to do that with the chin strap? By the time you actually need the helmet it will have fallen off your head.

lets see your full tank numbers.

That’s a 50 mile average too, not like I reset it and coasted downhill for 1000 feet. The car really is excellent at everything. It can cruise quietly and comfortably like an Accord, or you can unleash the beast and get straight up nasty.... The computer shuts down 4 cylinders on the highway to improve fuel economy.

My C7 has factory installed adjustable exhaust, it can be quiet like an Accord or a loud snarling beast that snorts and pops. It’s fun :)