Aaron James

You could be building iphones 18 hours a day for 2 bucks a week. Count your blessings.

I’d watch that video!

I didn’t notice that. The mystery deepens!

It makes me sick to even think about. There can’t be anything worse in life than losing a child.

No doubt. I chased a 924 for years that lived in a garage as a dusty shelf for various boxes and kids toys. 20 years later, It’s been long ago moved outside and I still see it rotting there when I pass by on my way to dad’s house. At least this one gets driven.

This is the type of owner who will never sell anything he owns, he’d park it in his swimming pool before he would sell it to anyone.

Ok a few things, first I’m appalled along with you about this story. The CCW permit is a concealed carry permit that allows you to carry a hidden handgun on your person in public. It is not a “permit” to buy or own a gun. There is no requirement to obtain a permit to buy a gun in Florida, you only need to pass the

Yeah it’s only 90 miles but you have to fill up 8 times.

I agree there is some hyperbole but I think this is how she really feels.

What makes you think it’s satire? It’s a pretty common opinion of big city dwellers that like to tell the rest of the country how to act. Remember, not everyone lives in a big city.

I don’t watch that garbage, it will rot your brain.

I’m on the water every weekend, I have a boat slip so no need to tow. You should try it though it’s really fun and the family will love it.

I love the look though. Miata Camino :)

No thanks, It’s Garbage.

Tow a 10,000 pound boat to the lake 4 hours away.

you haven’t been paying attention, there is no satire here.

you are talking about the Renault driver that turned in front of the Corvette right?

I agree


This is a Ford with a GMC badge on it. no one can convince me otherwise.