Aaron James

I was too afraid to pick up another habit so I just bit the bullett and went cold turkey. Day 49 free of nicotine today.

Along with “Why did you turn”, my 2 favorite things about Jalopnik. Never gets old :)

If you didn’t know the story it would be easy to assume they were all running from her :)

Random 8 foot tall woman sighting.

Nope, total embargo on all tobacco products. Before I left I was dating a girl who was very familiar with all things Army. She duct taped the cigs to the inside of some Army Issue wet weather gear and mailed it to me. They inspected the package but not well enough to find the cigs. We had to have money to pay for our

Do you get actual money for just reposting youtube videos? If so where can I apply.

well this was during basic training, complete embargo on all tobacco, (all personal products of any kind actually) had a girlfriend that mailed me wet weather gear with a pack taped inside. they searched the package but not well enough. So you had a bunch of guys with money and nothing to spend it on for 2 months.

Awesome keep up the good work, it really a big relief to be free from the chains so to speak

after 25 years addicted to tobacco, starting with cigs and then dip for 18 years, I am now proud to be 45 days nicotine free :) It’s a tough thing to quit.

in the mid 90's in Army Basic Training I once sold an opened pack of cigs for 200 bucks. It’s all about supply and demand. The guy that bought it then sold them as singles for 20 bucks a piece so he made 160 bucks profit. ( I smoked 2 before I found out how valuable they were.

Of course I’m not a lawyer, I have a sense of decency and self respect. Scum of the earth inhabits the Law “profession”

I don’t think the THC played any role at all in the incident, I refer back to my original statement that if Ward would not have left his car and walked down into the active racing surface to try and grab the wing of Tony Stewart’s sprint car, he would still be alive. His actions are directly responsible for his death.

You are assuming Stewart ran him over on purpose and I am assuming he didn’t. If a drunk runs out in front of you and you can’t stop, it’s not your fault. I agree that you can’t just go looking for drunk people to run over for sport. Is it so hard to believe that I think people should be accountable for their actions?

I don’t have to prove anything. I’m simply putting my opinion onto the internet. I have no skin in the game. You’re trying to tell me my opinion is wrong so the burden of proof is on you.

There’s no way to prove that’s what happened. Just because you want it to have happened that way doesn’t mean that’s what went down. Grand jury agreed with side that says that isn’t what happened.

what if the only way to steer a semi was to pitch it sideways using power? by trying to turn away from the dumbass running at you, you point the front away from him and the back towards him. They had enough experts testify at the grand jury that that’s the only way to steer that type of car, that’s a big reason why

If it doesn’t count for shit, why are you so obsessed with jumping into my comments? who are you again, and why do I care what you think or say? Before you come back with an insult I like to extend an honest offer to suck on my butthole.

yes I do, I believe you have the moral obligation to try to avoid but I would like you to show me the law that says it. You commented to me first telling me about law remember? Just curious to see the actual law and how it is worded. If you walk or run in front of my car and my choice is to veer off into freezing

show me the law that says that please.

you can suck on my butthole, if you don’t like my comment you are free to ignore it.