Robots will know what the other robots will do but when robots expect humans to act like robots then everyone crashes into each other.
Robots will know what the other robots will do but when robots expect humans to act like robots then everyone crashes into each other.
But there isn’t any. Screaming that the travel ban is illegal doesn’t actually make it illegal. It is well within the law and the power of the president to place temporary travel bans as he or she sees fit. This “impeach the president” thing is all over the internet like people actually believe some magical…
I had a 2tb drive for my playstation in the checkout cart last week, lost internet for 2 hours and was too lazy to go back and finish the purchase. Now I guess i’ll just wait and buy an 8tb external :)
Who is going to impeach him? It’s almost like you have no idea how the government actually works. Trump will not be impeached no matter how loud you scream for it to happen.
Who’s going to pass the legislation? they can draw up whatever they want but unless or until they decide to try and work with the other party they basically have no say in anything unless they can get the majority back. Best bet would be to try and work with the majority to at least get some, even if small, results.
I’ve never heard of a single state that mandates the number of cars you can own, buy or register in a year. If you are selling more than say 5 a year (Ohio Law) then I can see where they would require a dealer’s license but not if you are just a consumer. I assume everything you wrote is incorrect since you won’t list…
What state is that?
You literally have no idea what you are talking about. I hope you pay someone to do your taxes for you.
yeah I’ll give you that, I was leaning more towards the need for a hybrid power train to get that kind of mileage today due to the weight.
All about government regulations. In order to pass the mandated government safety standards Cars have become extremely obese. In the 80's we had Honda CRXs that got 50 MPG with nothing fancy at all. Can’t even come close to that today
The guy also says 480 HP. You’re not getting 480 HP out of a 455 with cast iron heads and intake. If you were to build it up to 480 HP it would turn that 200r4 into a burnt mess in under 100 miles. This is horrible in every way. The guy is too lazy to even wash the thing before taking pictures to sell it for twice…
1. God, 2. Dale Jr., 3. Budweiser, 4. Captain.
He won’t lose any fans, if anything he might change a few minds. Dale Jr. is second only to god in his fan’s eyes. The only pushback he will get is from people that hate him and want any reason they can to tweet him so they can tell him they are not his fan.
“and the other one it has does have is broke”
A base(ish) 911 hybrid would go along way towards moving hybrids into the mainstream, so would a Hybrid Mustang. I dream of a Mustang (Camaro, Supra, Charger, M3, whatever) that can get 40-50 MPG on the highway for the daily commute and do 12 sec 1/4 miles when it’s time to go fast. Right now it’s not possible to do…
Are these going to be NSX money or 50-60k?
Not sure about the GTR. My point was that until a performance Hybrid hits the mainstream that works then people will continue to poo poo the idea because it automatically makes you think of the CR-Z.
Performance, not exotic. Reasonably attainable. I should have remembered what the people here were like before I bothered to post. Enjoy being better than everyone else, it is so charming.
mainstream, not exotics.
The CR-Z put a bad taste in a lot of peoples mouths when they made it a gutless hybrid. Once a true performance hybrid comes out that works I think people will be more open to the idea.