Aaron James

that’s it, thank you. I knew you guys would know the answer :)

I knew i’d read something about it somewhere. they think all global leaders are actually alien lizards. You have to wonder if people really believe that or are just playing along.

isn’t there a cult or something that thinks everyone is a shape shifting lizard? I know i’ve read about this somewhere but i’m too lazy to google. also too lazy for capital letters.

It’s worth watching. but don’t have real high hopes. there’s nothing original about it at all. Basically the exact same format with different people.

you usually have to hop a curb to get to them though.

too classy for a new york based COTD

i’m not saying it’s too cheap. 100 bucks would be too much to spend on this junk. I’m saying if it was as great as he says it is he wouldn’t be selling it right after he finished it.

do you have a connection to Charleston that helps you write or is there a nice view from the hotel window? I think I’d want to be looking out over the ocean to write my memoirs.

My Dad really hates Kyle Busch, after he won the series last year he vowed to never watch again and hasn’t. I wonder if that has anything to do with it or just anecdotal. I’m sure more old dudes then just my dad hate Kyle Busch.

Sorry to see you go Mate, I really enjoyed your work

Some type of huge mythbusters type explosion would have been much more dramatic. I think they should have shipped them all out of state and auctioned them off but whatever.

I think you’re right. depending on the political climate in 20 years they may just regulate human driving out of the equation by making it financially impossible to drive through insurance, taxes, fees, etc. It all depends on who is in charge.

I don’t think the right to drive a car is listed anywhere in the constitution. It would be very easy to outlaw driving compared to changing the constitution. It only takes a majority or an executive order to make or change a law. it takes 3/4 of congress to ratify or repeal an amendment to the constitution. I’m not

yeah i think it would be much safer in the city at lower speeds. I do 90% of my driving on the highway so that’s where i’d see it most. I go into the “big” city once a month and get out quick. rest of the time is wasted away in the suburbs

I think you are spot on here. Add to that the teenagers who will no doubt find their new favorite hobby is making self drivers freak out and pull over.

right but i can look in my rearview mirror and spot an idiot a mile away. I know to move over or slow down or what ever i need to do. there will have to be a lot of learning on the computer’s part. I’m interested to see how it will all work out.

I see in my mind and obstacle course of self driving cars going exactly the speed limit that have just enough room between then to weave in and out of for the guys that just have to get where they are going 1 minute earlier than everyone else.

If it is all self driving cars then I would assume a very efficient traffic flow. My thought is throwing a bunch of crazy humans in with the computers could really cause them trouble. half and half self driving vs human I think would be the worst because there would be enough of each to really cause havoc.

It’s all unknown. I think it would help with the highway which is what I was thinking about. that would cut down on a lot of the issues that unexpected and irrational things human drivers cause. I don’t see it working smoothly until both the self driving cars and the human driven cars have plenty of time to learn each

but what effect will the guys that constantly weave in and out of traffic have on the self driving cars. will they be able to sense a car coming up 30 miles an hour faster then them only to swerve into their lane with inches to spare?