Aaron James

this should be the buyers guide. thanks for the extra information.

Ran when Parked

I love all your content Tyler but man that gif is making me nauseous need a sea sickness patch or something :)

I’m trying to think of something to compare it to but i’ve never driven anything else that slow. they’ll do 60 on the highway but just barely. I’d guess you are right about the trailer full of cows.

This video is getting an insane amount of coverage all over the internet. I think it belongs here for us to further discuss and speculate.

The guy definitely has means, with the clothes and stroller giving it away. could be a personal vendetta. maybe it’s his parking spot or the Aston guy almost hit his expensive stroller while texting and rolling a spliff. or maybe the driver is giving the stroller man’s wife the old British sausage.

no doubt, I was calm and cool during but afterwards I was a mess. my arms were jello, my lungs burning, and devastated that i couldn’t save him. But it helped to know I did everything I could have done to give him at least a chance until the medics came.

I’ve had to do cpr on someone before. Adrenaline and training kick in and you just do it. takes about 20 minutes afterwards for everything to sink in and the gravity of the situation to be realized.

Lexus has got your hoverboard and some married woman is going on a one way trip to mars.

paying a guy 50 bucks to drive and using a diesel engine is much cheaper than fancy electronics and hybrid drivetrains.

these things are dangerously slow and they stink. It might sound like a neat idea. it checks all the boxes but trust me this is not the wagon you desire!

90’s Alicia Silverstone, Swoon

"Users may experience moderate tingling and heating of the skin while charging. While uncomfortable, no long terms health concerns are expected"

That's right. That's why I think it will be a bespoke design like the Grumman LLV, using drivetrains from Ford or Chevy.

It certainly won't be a Nissan. It will definitely be made in America by an American company. Most likely a design specific to the purpose like the Grumman Long Life Vehicle.

It all depends on what you get. If you stick with pleasure boats and not offshore race boats you'll be fine. My Family has always had boats and has had very little trouble with them. We have a 26 foot pontoon boat with a mercruiser I/O and over the 15 years we've had it (bought it new) and the only thing we've had

I thought it was just a picture until I read your comment.

If they even showed it on TV I missed it. Watched the first 30 minutes then changed over to Brooklyn nine nine.

couldn't agree more. There is only one way to sing the National Anthem. I cannot stand when "singers" try to put their own touch on it. My absolute favorite is when a young kid really nails it.

People hate the endings of fictional TV shows and Movies all the time. Look at Lost and Dexter to just scratch the surface. I don't follow wrestling at all but I have seen the grumblings on the internet. I found this article summed what the issue is up very well. Lastly, sometimes people do ask for refunds after a