doing this is as useful as doing my job

I have never worked in an office environment in which a co-worker listened to ANY kind of music so loudly that the entire office could hear it.
It’s not about the type of music. It was to point out that this was dude who did whatever the fuck he wanted.

PS - You are the first person I’ve encountered who fixated on the

People are shitty at logic.

Clinton is corrupt.
This is a story of corruption.
Therefore it must be true that Clinton did it.

This is how people’s brains “work”.

What is the point of your comment? Do you even know?

It’s nothing more than “I like it, it’s good. I don’t like it, it’s bad” reviewing.
On the one hand I can get this level of *deep* analysis from IMDB.
On the other hand, the comment section here is tolerable.

Why are so many people whining about things in the Big Short that are factually accurate? Unless one of the real people portrayed in the movie isn’t white in real life...other than patting yourself on the back for being sooooooo progressive, I’m not sure what the point of this attempted snark is.

It’s based on a real person, who really listened to loud metal.
You get that that wasn’t a quirky made-up trait, right?

I have always said...I care more about why people like things more than I care what things people like.

I have never understood this obsession people have with declaring their personal taste the correct opinion.

Great. You hate these movies. That’s fine. But why? (I mean, it’s a clickbait article...so we know