
Are you guys virgins?  You look like virgins.

It’s almost like being a videogame tester doesn’t require any skills, you can easily be replaced, and it’s not a real career path.


Have fun! I’m going to go get in my 400hp boat and go boating all weekend, maybe drive an ATV around if I feel like it, or drive a classic sports car through some twisties. Idk, maybe I’ll work in my workshop and build something.

Learn. To. Wrench.

It’s not the plot point or end game that people are bitching about.  It’s HOW things get there.  Shit doesn’t make any sense.

I drive the pass on an annual ski trip to Pagosa Springs, and when it’s dumping powder all night, and they plow but leave snow on the road, it’s... interesting.

This is a horribly written article that sounds like someone who knows nothing about cars.

Who drew the dick?

How does someone work for Jalopnik, yet has never driven a Vtec anything?  Also, 130lbs?  Dude.  EAT

You’re forgetting something.

You skipped right over that godawful fucking interior.

Please stop spending any time on this POS and work on your Golden Eagle instead.

We don’t have the population density.

I like bikes, but I’m not getting one.  Wayyyyyyyyyyy too many idiots texting while driving.  Guy I grew up with was on his bike at a stoplight; SUV behind him wasn’t paying attention and just flattened him.  Bikes are cool but until we get better drivers, no thanks.

Idk if this proves prejudice against black people, or that white women have amazing privilege, which is confusing because I thought they were all victims and outraged about being victims all the time

Can you guys hire actual car people, not metrosexuals that live in NYC?   Because the fact is, most of your staff knows complete dick about cars, doesn’t own them, and uses public transit.  Hire real car people please.

I’m always in the grey so this won’t ever be seen by anybody, but I gotta say something here:  Art Center is not doing it’s student’s a favor.  They graduate far more transportation designers than there are positions opening up every year, so the majority of their students wind up frustrated, unable to pursue their

It’s a rusty piece of shit.  Put in new seals, slap it back together, and drive it until it blows up.  If it was rust free and low miles, yeah, put in the effort and do it right, but it isn’t.  

All of this is horrible advice.  Tell him to buy a $3-5k Honda until he pays off his student loans at age 49.