Somebody had to take the fall for this.
Somebody had to take the fall for this.
How is it retro? It has round headlights and..... ... .. .. .. . . . nothing else similar to that car.
I think the bugeye is awesome too. But it is not attractive, especially compared to the GC8. If you could trade your bugeye for a similarly modded GC8 in similar condition, you would do it in a heartbeat. The GC chassis looks amazing.
That's actually complete horseshit. Go sit in your car on a hot day. Everything closed. Now open the windows. SURPRISE! It's now cooler! This is because warm air leaves the car, due to convection! Now if you open the sunroof all the way, the hot air rises and leaves the car easily, since the sunroof is located…
So what if you're going camping, and you forget a supply. Do you turn around and go home? What if you're road tripping?
How is that relevant? I live in a place that has summer temps up to about 105F in some years, but usually cresting around 95.
idk, my dog gets heat stress when I play ball with her in the summer too, but you don't see people being assholes about that.
Dogs bark for all sorts of reasons. That doesn't mean it was in any danger, which would more likely be yelping or frantic barking.
" If it wasn't terrible for an animal why would it be illegal in some states. "
So what exactly was the owner supposed to do?
Yes, air does not circulate at all with the windows down and the sunroof open. Totally. And leaving your dog home at all times is totally a realistic solution that works in every situation. Fucktard.
I'm saying you have your dog in your car, and you need to run a quick errand. Do you:
Again, agree, but the GC8 looks better.
It wouldn't be, because I'd be inside 5 minutes or less. And the sunroof would be open, which means the interior would be no hotter than ambient air temperature.
So is it illegal to walk a dog on days over 100 degrees? No? So you're suggesting that a shaded ventilated area is a bad place for a dog when you run an errand? And you're suggesting that tying it up outisde where someone could steal it for dog fighting practice, out in full 100% sun with no shade is a better idea?
If I am with my dog headed out to go camping, and I park my car for 5 minutes to run into Walgreens to grab some mosquito spray (with my windows down and my sunroof completely open with my dog inside), and I come back outside to find you vandalizing my car that I just finished repainting, I will literally FUCKING KILL…
Whenever I leave my dog in the car, I leave the windows down like that. Normally she just sleeps because she's in shade, but if she wants fresh air she can easily stick her snout out the window and get fresh air, if there is no breeze whatsoever. Tying the dog up on the bike rack would have been way more cruel; as…
Sure. But tying up the dog outside the store would be worse, in full sunlight with no shade. This was not a bad dog owner; I bet he guy who filmed this doesn't even own a dog.
Pretty sure I'd rather be in a car with all four windows down 2" IN THE SHADE than be walking around on asphalt which is undoubtedly even hotter, with the sun beating down on me... yet nobody calls the guy an asshole when he's walking the dog.
When they can't even change a tire and have never changed their oil and don't know how to drive stick and call an intercooler a "grille", no, they are not fucking enthusiasts.