
Patrick, please write a big article on this. You have enough swing to make this happen.

shut the FUCK up. I graduated in 2009, at the top of my class with a major in industrial design. I had products on the shelf in every home depot in america, and I won 3rd in an international design contest. Know how many jobs I applied to that year? SEVEN. Because there were only SEVEN jr ID jobs posted,

Cost of my iPhone: $200. $60 a month. = $920/year.

My S6 is front heavy. My 911 is tail happy. Together, I have a balanced life. :P

Right, most do, but the issue is that latch can fail. The problem is CF is very strong, but it can tend to flex at high speeds. Sometimes, the front corners of the hood can catch a little air, and the hood will start "shaking", a small amount, you can barely tell. But over time, the shaking weakens the rivets on

I have a C4 S6, with a big cast iron I5 lump in the front of the axle. And you know what? In real life, it's a fucking awesome car. Yeah, maybe that isn't ideal for competitive track racing, but for a road car? Whatever. Works great!

It's a CF hood. Most CF hoods require hood pins/latchs to stay down, as they aren't quite as "stiff" as the steel versions. Also, the vibrations can weaken the ONE latch in the center, hence why every CF hood I've ever seen suggests using hood pins.

Yup. Just like the speed limits. I'd say me driving after 5-6 beers is still better than most people on the road not paying attention and texting.

It's a huge problem, but it's also over blown due to how horrific and pointless some of the accidents are. I've driven while 'slightly intoxicated' hundreds of times without any incidents; go the speed limit, obey laws. I didn't feel the least bit impaired; maybe my reaction time was slightly slower, but I'd never

Pussy! Real men don't need legs!

Do they simultaneous issue tickets to the people who complained for being too old?

Get an UrS4 instead. Half the price, more power, better interior, just as reliable. Handling is a bit meh tho.

the fuck?

I consider those people spiritual, not religious, since they don't follow a religion. And they cool, mang.

From your own link: "In terms of bodywork there are some nasty dents on the rear quarter and door...and also damage underneath indicating it has been dropped on a four post lift at some stage."

OMFG. How?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? What the hell did he have done? I've done things like replace all the suspension bushings, bilsteins sports, race H&R springs, MRC stage 2 chip, but I did everything myself... so it was cheap. Maybe he was getting ripped off at some fancy euro dealer? $30k holy crap unless it's a

Makes more power than most base model econoboxes.

Have fun with fail wheel drive and no power.

Sure. When 95% of "holy book whatever" is proven to be bullshit, then obvious answer is obvious.