
I'm still geeking out about my G1 Insight gauges. 75mpg looks awesome.

idfk. The dumb thing is most tracks won't let you use motorcycle helmets in a car. WTF.

Not that I'm an expert... but in order to walk silently, I try to walk on the edge of hallways/stairs/rooms. Less creaking floor boards since the floor is stronger there.

Kind of sad. She runs around just like my dog, looking scared of things. Guy just drags it by the leg. :(


Cool! Now point out something they've done in the past... oh.. I dunno... decade. Nothing? Okay, fine, how about... 50 years. Shit. Still nothing except killing each other in the name of some stupid religion (and all organized religion is stupid!). Okay. How about 100 years. 200 years? 500 years! Shit.

You're full of shit. Google "abandoned xj220" and you'll get the full story. Also, see this link:

Fucking arabs get rich off of oil they've been sitting on, even though their people have done nothing to contribute to humanity in 2000+ years, yet because of their oil we make them rich beyond anyone's wildest dreams, so they can purchase the finest automobiles the world has to offer, use them for a few months, and

Also, consider industrial design. Cars are so... idk... seems like great concepts get watered down into bland mobiles; that would crush my soul. More freedom in the rest of the ID field, instead of specializing just on transportation.

Those stupid fucking chrome fender vent things make me want to go on a murduring rampage. WTF. GOD THEY PISS ME OFF SO MUCH! FUCK THEM!

I would think if you wanted to be competitive you wouldn't buy a 4000lb camaro.

Even if it's a 10 second gap... that's on a HUGGGGEEEE course. So on most normal sized courses, you're talking what... 2-5 seconds? For an extra... 15, 20, 30k? I have no idea on pricing it just doesn't seem worth it.

Maybe it's just me, but all those vents/slits all over the bumpers/side skirts just make it look like it has a cheap bodykit.

So what's the price difference between the ZL1 and the Z28? And is it worth it, given that it's only 3 seconds faster on an extremely, extremely long race track that you will never go to?

Hopefully they're all getting that terrible fucking front end cut off and something idk, more Jeepish installed in it's place.

I have zero interested in this car becausee of the lame transmission. I would kill babies for a CTSV wagon with a manual.

Why do these calipers look like marble?