

No it isn't.

True. I had some cop threaten to arrest me for not showing him my ID. I told him to do it, so I can tell his manager that he was treating me like utter shit for no reason and he'll get suspended. Worked. Piggie backed off.

You're strange. I've never been hit or almost hit by someone speeding. I've been in two accidents since 1996 and both of them were caused by inattentive drivers running into me. I've been driven off the road a number of times, and had to avoid people literally hundreds of times, but not once has a speeder ever

To anybody who thinks speeding is remotely dangerous, I have a question for you. How many times has someone speeding almost hit you? None? Okay. Now how many times has some vapid suburban soccer mom driving a giant SUV (which she never offroads) while texting almost hit you? Or a young teenager texting? Or an

If I was rich I'd buy them all, put them on a boat and sink it somewhere far away from here. They are terrible, the proportions are just nerdy as hell, the performance was awful, the build quality was garbage. There is NOTHING good about those cars... I'd rather have a camry or a corolla. It's boring, and it'd be

They didn't outsell them, ever. Mustangs are like assholes, and rental car companies love them.

Just saw one at lunch, spent the next 5-10 minutes discussing with another car guy. HATE that car. It fucking sucks, it's not even boring, it's offensive. The styling is absolutely terrible and they should all be destroyed.

No, I'm glad they exist so I can get decent deals on cool cars. :)

I was talking about the USA. Our economy is linked together with the automotive industry. Currently we have 4 million births per year, give or take. It's hard to find production numbers just in the USA, because different marques are technically from different countries, but the USA manufacturers produce 3 million

What do you want a photo of?

Never have purchased a new car, never will. I'll let some other sucker take the hit.

We are currently producing more cars per year than people born. Again. Unsustainable. Say all the British words youd like it doesn't change the facts.

No. We currently over produce cars at an alarming rate; we cannot sustain this amount of constant creation, use, and disposal. We need to be manufacturing FEWER cars, of better quality, to provide incentive for people keeping old things alive longer.

Me too! Actually any rare spec performance oriented model is something I adore, even if it's a dumb car. Example: Contour SVT, Corolla SR5, Starlet SR5, UrS4/S6s, anything that started out boring and some engineers slapped some performance bits on, I think is awesome. :D

I agree with everything you just said; not sure how what I said relates to Rush. But yeah... agreed on all points. Not sure what to do about it.

Neg. Just the worst 911 ever made; a mid year 77 911S targa. Still awesome!

DING! Include some 90s cars too. Here's my babies:

I can't imagine maintaining any newer audi. My 1995 S6 is complex enough already.