Agree 100%. I didn't finish most of them but spend hundreds of hours running around having fun.
Agree 100%. I didn't finish most of them but spend hundreds of hours running around having fun.
That's because the environment is too much fun, itself. I never finished GTA3, but I had hundreds of hours into it... why? It was fun, why bother trying to do stupid missions you don't like? There was so much OTHER stuff to do. Same with San Andreas. Got 90% of the way through the story, to the "riot mode", where…
Sorry you suck, bro. The driving in that game requires throttle modulation, brake modulation, as well as being delicate with the steering inputs at high speed. You know... like a real car. I usually come in 1st in any MP race in GTAIV, but I'm used to racing games with the traction control turned off.
Same. I'm travelling 1500 miles for the release to party with a buddy.
Juices running down my leg.
Lots of cars are old and expensive, and NONE of them are driven by hipsters. This whole list is fucking dumb excluding the volvo and saab made in the 80s.
College kids? In cars costing over 15 grand? Wow. You must be rich, richy mcrichenstein
Because they're expensive and you need to be an auto enthusiast to realize you're not talking about a BMW made in 2002, but a model? Why the fuck would a hipster drive a super expensive fairly rare car that requires tons of mechanical know how? God this topic is dumb. They drive reliable old crap. 2002 is NOT…
It should be. I know a lot of hipster chicks with old volvo wagons.
Hipsters don't wrench, so anything old with questionable reliability is out.
Dude. I love you. No seriously I agree 100% with what you said. The 355 hit all the right buttons, and after that... I really didn't connect viscerally with any ferrari UNTIL the 458. So in my eyes, it was 355, bunch of random cars I don't care about, then the 458. Everything in between is just... eh.... the…
How do I know what? I am confused. And yeah I've driven one. Still confused as to what you are asking me though.
There's never been a 2nd gen. Just a facelift. But I digress... the 355 is amazing. If given teh chance I'd go 355 all the way, as cool as NSXs are.
It truly is a super car. It doesn't need billions of HP. The chassis and suspension and balance and interior and design are world class.
All the hipster chicks I knew had old volvo wagons like this. They were all hot. Never got them in the wagon though. :(
I don't get the infographic at all... it points stuff out, but there is zero relation between the car and the dude. WTF.
idk, makes me think of fraggle rock. But more gay. ie, hilarious.