
I’m not saying he’s on Belichick’s level. I’m saying that when I second-guess him, I’m usually wrong (which is not the case with, say, the Knicks’ or the Browns’ or the Kings’ or even the Yankees’ management decisions).

I honestly don’t know that much about George or Hayward. I follow the NBA very, very casually, and I know they’re both All-Stars, but don’t know that either is as good as Butler.

Not “so bad,” exactly, but they’re in a position to at least try to get over the hump and make a real run, and I wish they’d do it. Now, it probably doesn’t work anyway. They have LeBron, and then the Warriors, to deal with. But the idea of always building for four years down the road is a bummer. A lot can go wrong

As a Boston fan, I’ve learned that Ainge and Bellichick are usually right, even when I think they’re wrong. But if Ainge doesn’t make a move at some point in the next year to actually make the team better in the present, I’m throwing all my benefit of the doubt out the window.

Ainge isn’t getting fired.

I’m a (pretty damn casual) Celtics fan, and yes, I’m left scratching my head, wondering how in the hell Ainge couldn’t get Bulter if the asking price was essentially Zach Fucking Levine.

I made $221,000 last year as a freelance writer, and I’m on track to do slightly better this year.

I followed that link and can’t believe what Phil is asking. Hey dude, Ainge ain’t you. He’s not dumb!

People are fucking dumb?


My God, how is it possible that grown men can get angry about shit this stupid?

Wait, she doesn’t live in fucking Detroit during the season, does she?

Correction: I AM dumb. But I look very, very intelligent.

Hey everybody, this guy is joking, now you look dumb.

Danny Ainge is going to somehow turn this into Steph and LeBron.

Not a Tebow fan, but that does seem like ... a bit much?


At first I got my teams mixed up and thought this he was going to NOLA, and I was like, what the actual fuck are they doing down there?

Yes, Massachusetts, that well-known bastion of homophobia, where they hate gays so much they made them get married more than a decade before the rest of the country.

Right? This is absolutely the right take. Why would he pass on Fultz if he wanted Fultz? It’s not like he got rejected by a high-value FA and then acted like he never wanted the guy. Fultz was there for the taking if he wanted him.