
I LOAVE your teachers for that.

You're an idiot.

Sure - as your insides turn to mush and you wind up shitting out all your important internal organs until you die. Ebola is an ugly ugly mess of a disease.

Ebola actually exists, although thankfully not common, so the boys from Winnipeg I'm sure will be spending some time in Africa. ([www.cdc.gov])

1) Do I have to grow a mustache if I have kids?

Sticking with Kerri Russel, eh? She used to do it for me in the noxema ads... probably right after I lost interest in Kathy Ireland.

There really is a need for a sarcasm font. Can someone get on that please?

Will the new system change the comment editing responsibilities so they don't belong to the author of the blog post, thereby making it more likely that valid conversations that disagree with the author's view don't get relagated to oblivion?

"Hers is a typically British, tidy analysis of the annals of the internet. Ahem, anyway."

And it is.........?????

I'm always amazed at the stuff you can find from your past. Thinking "no one else read that" but not only did they, but took the time to put it online.

I agree - I didn't mean that - just making a comparison on trust.

I'd be willing to bet that the reason for most of these "difficult to fix" items is more driven by their supply chain and manufacturing process - they're now making computers very similarly to how they make phones and tablets. Glue and solder are much more robot-friendly than tiny screws (and robots are less prone to

No it's the diamonds used to etch the apple logo in the cover.

I'm just hoping it gets us through until the base data plan from everyone is 5GB. It's amazing to me that "minutes" and "messaging" are even factors in smartphone packages anymore - it's ALL just data anymore. I'm kinda hoping Branson comes up with a makes-sense plan for Virgin and negotiates rates on everyone

Mine always does in Washington DC

Or a paper map...

I'll be sticking with my AT&T unlimited data, unlimited messaging and 450 min/mo with rollover (currently ~1500 - so essentially unlimited) that costs me less than $90 including all taxes and fees. I might get throttled over 3GB but at least it won't cost me more.

That's $30 for the data - you need to add minutes and messaging to it. Probably about the same total cost.

I think it's safe to assume that with more and more cloud based pic and music storage plus larger cameras with larger files you'd better budget for additional data.