
For how much data though?

Correction: not screwed, just incentivised to get the iPhone 5 when it's realeased in the Fall. ;)

He's probably got a lot of free time these days. I haven't seen him in a while.

I agree. If you go into settings and turn off siri then the normal voice recognition works for writing texts etc. It should automatically default to local support if there's a problem with siri instead of it's stupid replies - "uh oh there seems to be a problem" or "could you try that a please"

What do you mean? I say "Call soandso"all the time and soandso gets called. What are you looking for it to do?

Man you're Jaded Sam. ;)

It's at least within the error bars that Giz uses for fact checking. ;)

Yeah - no humor. Just typical quality of repost summaries blogged here. Still entertaining, but if you see anything that interests you I recommend clicking the source link and doing your own evaluation.

To most of the country, Denver is equivalent to anywhere in Colorado (and probably parts of Wyoming) that isn't a ski area.

I fart in your general direction.

You're new here, aren't you? Welcome to Gizmodo.

More like everything. Including the stuff already here. Oh yeah - and sunlight is radiation too.

Nope. Sorry Jack. Still not enough room. Keep swimming.

Just don't tattoo a commentor's star on it. Those are very temporary.

Neither will this guy if he keeps making decisions like that.

If I get one of these can I have this provide a live stream update to my Google+ account? Oh wait - I'd probably need to use my Google+ account... nevermind.

Me too - my deviant mind automatically thought of a whole new realm of practical jokes one could play. Pins. Maybe a little bleach near the end so everyone walks around with white behinds. Pop-up Bill Gates styled clowns triggered when you pass a certain point to scare the bejeezus out of you.

Yeah - and it packs tiny so I take it everywhere with me. A bit low to get in and out if the alcohol is flowing, but still stable and comfy. Highly recommended.

I have this chair from Alite with no legs, just two points at the base. It's super stable and super comfortable - perfect for concerts (not blocking anyone behind you) campfires even boats. With only two points of contact you can rock all you want and not overstress the back legs or frame like you would with most

Completely agree.