
The source reference discusses some of this. The biggest benefit isn't just how the displays can be applied but actually the change in manufacturing process of products that can make things usbstantially cheaper - roll to roll manufacturing instead of sheet to sheet - think Gutenberg printing press vs high speed

Since the "booth babe" job exists, presumably the model applied of her own free will, and I'm fairly certain she was hired for her merits being celebrated in this tweet - the tweet itself is just complimenting a professional on the talent and efforts she is demonstrating while at work and therefore is not sexist.

Coal powered bean bag.

Yeah the scream was great fun in the office. After a while I gave it to my nephew so he can drive my brother and his wife nuts.

Mmmm Halle Berry.

That longpause gif with him blinking is freaky.

That might be true for many commercial entities, but from the US gov't perspective, cyber threats and security are one of the highest priorities and are getting the funds. The beltway consultancies all have substantial business practices around supporting 'Cyber'. Even in 2009 I saw Mike McConnell speak at a

So how many meetings have you done this at? I'm assuming it correlates directly to the number of jobs you've had... ;)

Here ya go... Get at it!

You mean like this?

Thanks Jeff. I liked you better in The Fly.

He waged war against nukes without guns/bombs/human casualties. Peace Prize validated.

The video is cool, but (and I'm not trying to be a dick or break the 'community policy', I just don't know where else to post this) maybe Gizmodo or Gawker should start a sister or sub site where this stuff and the very common drug related posts can go. If there's a better place to have this conversation where

Nice. Thanks.

I wish I had a job where I could do drugs all day and post about it online.

I applaud your clearheaded scientific approach to solving and treating the mystery of your son's medical issues. I could only imagine how often you just wanted to (or maybe have) smashed computers, ripped up test results and screamed at technicians and doctors. Keep working and we'll keep praying.

The entire article is about the barriers and knowledge that this couple have been working so hard to break through. I didn't get the impression they felt the FDA was an overwhelming burden or any particular angst toward them - just the regulatory body helping to dictate the actions that they and their doctors should

Actually I don't have the option to reply to your lol comment (not that i'd need to). But I that's why I added it. If someone just types +1 or Fuck You or something you can't reply to respond...

Aren't we all...

I didn't mean that it was some $100,000 MacBookSpace and I realize they get time off. But I'm guessing it's at least one of those hardened Toshibas or something to withstand the shock. A ukele can be tuned and a flute wouldn't be impacted.