

Ummm - you probably should have discreetly asked your gf first Mario.

Sadly I concur.

Bouyants gonna be a lot a work to keep this project afloat.

the part about the interaction with whales is really interesting. In a hull skinned boat the whales and sealife were more curious than with wooden and fiberglass boats of today, lending creadance to the stories of sea monsters and krakins.

They should've built it with dominos, then watching it topple would be even better with a smooth cascading effect instead of coming apart in chunks.

Is that Chumlee from Pawn Stars?

No harnesses - they just tossed the kid up there. Remember when you'd hold your parent's hand on either side of you and swing between them? Like that, on crack...

So is this story just about an Aussie doctor who thinks this might happen, or was there an actual case? As others have mentioned, you can actually see quite a bit - it's not like having an eye patch over one eye. I have a feeling this is just a post about a doctor making up a reason to help a buddy convince his kid

I have a sinking feeling about this project.

If this interests you, you should read this book.

If Dottie looks like Liv Tyler, I'll go down with her...

All hat, no cattle.

Breaking news: Old guy is a grouchy pessimist that prefers "the way it was".

This looks like a pain in the ass to clean.

Is someone snorting salt with a one dollar bill in the cover photo?

Inother words, the poor crew members had no problem stealing the rich actors weed. That's believable.

Are any children NOT psychopaths?

Make the little man fly! (I know different character, but great child psychopath line...)