
This would get spilled. All day every day. Even if the big chip bowl is heavy enough to hold up a full dip clip bowl people would spill one or the other trying to get the chip dipped. Even if you had two or three of these equally spaced around the circumference of the chip bowl it would take too much coordination

The part where "the tickets are usually issued" makes sense, but then the law should be more public nuisance than testing giving the police the ability to make better judgement calls. If someone is distracted, but not texting, and causes the same issue the police don't have the ability to ticket them. But if this is



That joke went over like a lead balloon.


That guy in the cover art is AWESOME!!!!!!!! I want one of those in my basement. Does he rent himself out for halloween? Or maybe to pretend he's "Dad" the first time your daughter brings a new boyfriend home?

I was headed to the office on a Sunday evening - thoroughly unhappy about it. As I crested a hill I saw a cop way off in the distance at the bottom of the hill so I hit the brakes and went 22 in a 25. After I passed the cop and couldn't see him behind trees I goosed it back up to 35 up the next hill. The cop comes

Make an app using the volume up button for plusses and volume down for minuses with different vibration signatures to let you know how strong the count is either for or against you. Could work well for an occasional trip - spend an hour or two and make a few hundred bucks. Just don't go all MIT on them and you'll

I need to use the word haptic more...

I know how he does all this...

This I wholeheartedly agree with. +1 for tablets although they still suck to do real writing.

I usually do a quick check or at least put it back slowly so there are no spilled drinks or surprises. I'll try and be as nice about it as possible, and if there's outstanding circumstances try and work it out, but other than that I'll use the space alloted to my ticket purchased. But honestly - and I'm not a dick

For me it makes a large difference to be anything past 90 degrees. I've had back issues in the past and sitting up at 90 degrees or leaning forward puts undo stress on it. So I'll continue to take full advantage of the adjustments available in my seat to be absolutely comfortable. Straighten your legs into the

I disagree. I recline all the time. Get lots of sleep on planes - whether it's a 45 minute east coast hop to an 18 hour transcontinental flight. I bought the ticket to ride and I'll take advantage of all of the limited ammenities left with it. If they got rid of the option to recline, I'd hope they design the new

All ready for the stew.

There are no fat hipsters...

He still hasn't figured out how to use the three seashells? Disgusting.

Nightstand. Free app

with the included cable that you use now to charge it...