

"I'm not a whore, so there's no point at learning to be good in bed."

hey troll - algebra is not "advanced" math and is relevant in everyone's everyday life. Not a belief, a fact - regardless if you only choose to acknowledge the most recent 6000 years of the earth's 4 billion as relevant.

Found him!

"Let's all talk about how much RIM is obselete and sucks!" - Sponsored by RIM.

They'll definitely get them for drugs, but I'm assuming 99 percent of the party participants were under 21 and would get fined and dragged home for underage drinking- likely lose their driver's license too. I'd hate to be at the party and over 21 and caught - they'd probably load all the illegal alcohol charges they

I think it seems like a good product, not for sticking your phone to a vertical window, but to place on angled surfaces like your dashboard or anything you'd prop it up on while reading on it.

I'm kinda ok with the FBI sending an undercover agent to every fringe event and having him say "Hey wanna blow up a bridge?" and putting anyone that says Yes under surveillance and arresting anyone that takes actionable steps toward doing so. I'm not sure I see a lot of downside to it. Better that they say "Yes" to

If you read a bit more on the case, they actually describe the very clear and distinct differentiation between the folks involved in the occupy movement and the folks arrested. They didn't cover anything up.

Thank you.

How is it on durability? You show it in a messenger bag - is it meant to take a few good bounces when you put your bag down? And to Butters comment, Id' guess that those big fun drunk-sized buttons on the top are also pretty prone to being damaged by a little sand, humidity or spilled drinks. Am I wrong?

Does my comment get moved to devnull if I think that your old friend Ken is right?

I'll admit it - I misread the headline and thought it was about some viagra inspired hippy porno coming out sooner than expected.

Exactly - making money off bookies in Vegas is completely about guessing what others think vs what's gonna happen. Maybe they should open a line of bets on which will come first, the Rapture, the supereruption or the zombie apocolypse.

But we did in fact write the US Constitution in direct response to the establishing a new country and government that didn't inflict its people with the same wrongs that the British government had been inflicting upon them. So it's actually a quite relevant statement - the Brits are still putting their military up in

Awesome! Good to know it's still there - might need to take my brother's kids this summer.

The way I read that, Facebook and most social networking sites are designed almost wholly for personal use and therefore an acceptable place that you could post things "just for your friends and family". As long as your settings aren't completely unrestricted (and really, whose are anymore) and you're not trying to

Sounds like someone was looking for an afternoon delight on a friday and didn't have a partner so was left with netflix's slim pseudo-porn pickins...

I think you're blowing TSA's reputation up with your rant Andrew. Looking at many commentors here (myself included) that are regular flyers it's not that big a deal or much of a hassle and there is a piece of mind that comes with them - just like having security in a bar for that drunk guy. Just avoid heavy tourist