
VAG-COM? I never really have been able to communicate well with women. Tell me more about this product please...

Can you turn it off? I'd want to be able to fly down the street at 90 without making a peep.

Only a matter of time before we see all the pro's with this providing real time data during a match for all the viewers to analyze. Very cool. They should do the same with golf clubs.

Fair enough - I understand that point.

That collar seems a bit heavy for everydaywear...

I'm sure you're spot on with you planning as you've mentioned things we've already seen in movies. Let them get there - this is the first release...

I hear Canada is nice this time of year. Feel free to visit.

As I approach 40 I'm that happy medium where I'm young enough I can still manage the internets but not so young people assume I don't vote.

Apparently you're "That Guy" that doesn't read the last line in the article. :)

Everybody loves you. Remember that.

Thank you for saving me the effort to correct this chain.

This is becoming the new exhibitionist's way of showing off. I never scroll through a guy friend's phone, but if a female friend hands me one and says "don't scroll", it's kind of the new equivalent of "No. Really I shouldn't." that's typically followed relatively quickly with "Please. Oh God yes right there..."

Did you ever try getting real maraschino liquer from Italy or Croatia? My sister brought a bottle home - puts that cherry syrup that most cherries are packed in to shame.

I think you missed the point/sarcasm of my comment. I just drink. Vanilla and other extracts be damned. I just put the liquor in me. :)

But from the article it sounds like their economies have already been hit for whatever reasons, so it's not that Madagascar is hurting them, just benefiting from their economic woes.


I have grown to loath the "-apocalization" of words, but for some reason Chocopacolypse (capitalized, of course) might be my new favorite word.

Now I'll have to pay $5.50 for a pint of Haganflugendazencremin instead of the normal $5 just to happily eat the whole pint and then feel sad about eating the whole pint but in too much of a sugar shock to go to the gym to feel better about eating the whole pint.

Actually he's hoping his two-way pager will blow up.