
Soda's unhealthy for you. Here in the States we have our homeless dispense our internet.

It's filling data gaps for their proprietary products. Yes I use google maps and will benefit from better data to get to a party or an appointment, but my point is that the system was already set up and functioning very well digitizing books - art, culture, educational tools, the written word as the foundation of

They probably should have had the two spaced out workers that are front and center take the herion tourniquettes off of their arms for the photo.

text translators are still substantially inneffective.

Good then Obama will win and accomplish both of those things. Anyone else is just going to mire our economy deeper under the guide of "Fixing this $#!t!" and will take an unnecessary hard stance in the currently maleable middle east to look strong against Iran and drive us into war and blow us up.

Wait a second - did you just try and say that they've already cut the hell out of spending on the military-industrial complex? Seriously?

I think it's a shame that Google is bastardizing Re-Captcha. The tool provided one of the largest improvements to mankind coordinating millions of people to digitize the wealth of knowledge that is still locked in paper copies of older books at essentially no impact on the participants. And now Google is using

One of my favorites... [Ted.com] is one of the best resources.

She's black. she's obviously not in Utah...

There she is! It's like playing Where's Waldo in Utah.

Yes. Absolutely. Do it! I'll sign on to the submission and send a few emails in support of it.

1) I disagree with you.

And with online dating, you could potentially date a supermodel without leaving the house.

1. The use of correct grammar on tech blogs...

No. He's saying that you're not getting laid until the mets win the world series.

You can't NOT put into the office lotto pool. Imagine the amount of suck you would feel should they win and retire and you're left doing your old job with 21 open positions around you.

I've got to throw out there that I'm a fan of their new show Unchained Reaction. I'd love to be given a weeka nd the materials to build a kinetic machine. They can clearly add to it by making the teams use a story, or at least an OK-Go sountrack, to tie the different 'machine' components together or time them. But

And can you contain it with 19 miles of duct tape?!?!?

Thank you - I was about to do the conversions... you saved me opening my Units app on my phone. I particularly appreciate the inclusion of both bliblical (cubits) and astronomical (light year) units.