
^this? yes.

Thanks - I just had this indiana jones vision of a pistol vs a sword in my head...

"only weak against wood" So it can't even hold its own in a simple game of rock paper scissors... You've made your argument against your choice, given that 40% of the options are wood, or fully 50% of your options opponent weapons.

Although my personal belief is that the uber rich would not be so without having earned a portion of their wealth on the infrastructure and society that allows them to be wealthy (someone buys the products, we have roads and IT and electrical infrastructure that allows your company to exist, we have a defense system

Fair enough. I could see smaller municipalities connecting non-standard transportation systems they run for senior citizens and the handicapped to a GPS based application for registered users.

Yeah - it was a paved country road. I was using both lanes of it on the turns going to shoulder to shoulder... quite a rush. One of the coolest parts of it for my engineering brain is the gyroscopic effect of having a fat heavy tire spin that fast. I literally had to push on the handlebars to make turns because of

the laweyers got the other $14 dollars.

Excellent point. We'll just have to agree to disagree until we can put these theories in practice at the next Ren Fair. Large containers of mead and oversized turkey legs can be consumed during a peer review session.

I've had my knobby tired mountain bike at 53 downhill. I actually passed a car because it was a mountain road and I could turn better.

Pedaling... This looks like an awesome commuter option.

The above map looks cool But here's much more functional resource if you're actually planning a wind energy project. NREL is great for any renewable energy project.

Given the scenario you present, I still believe the wand would be the most effect weapon to own, assuming the DCOH of COFH were in fact holding the remaining items. Simply place the wand in the middle of the DCOH/COFH at twilight and cast an illuminating spell. As they all gather around in awe of the light and in

If congress works for the people, can we ask for the username and passwords of their facebook accounts?

if you knew a death or disarming spell that would clearly be the mosts useful way to take care of a stoned hippy. Otherwise you could stick the wand in a blowgun and poke their eye out, collecting their weapons while they scream in agony and subsequently dismembering them in calm manner in your own time. Leaving you

What about starting with one of the wands and disarming folks with the other tools from a distance - then owning all of them. The light saber seems more useful than the sward when your arm gets tired...

That's sad and awesome all wrapped up together.

avada kadavra!

They have this. It's called taxis...

But after all this work, have they been able to answer the most important question there is regarding rainbows?

Did I see a photo of you and your dog here?