
You mean they didn't have real action shots of it shooting down a nazi flying saucer?

People graduate from college. And relationships get messier.

Having lived for some months under the same roof with my ex wife prior to being officially divorced, I feel for that guy and completely agree with your comment. I'd say I actually had an easy and satisfying divorce and we respect each other, but couldn't imagine broaching the topic of sex between my ex and others

I'm a fellow Pennsylvanian and agree we have some beautiful scenery, but we're really not that good at place names. Or perhaps I should say we're AWESOME at it! You've captured a few good ones on your screenshot with Big Beaver and Beaver Falls... Then there are the less subtle place names like Climax, Hazard,

ABC - Always Be Closing. Now I'm not sure these nice saleswomen are applying this rule to all aspects of their life, but they're trying hard here.

Kyle - time to change your password. It appears your girlfriend got into your account is posting Gizmodo Blogs.

See - things can be funny for reasons other than being true. ;)


Like this?

Loki is the second coming of the two thumbed fist. Don't shoot yourself so fast this time please.

Grandpa! I told you to stop trolling Gizmodo! Now go drink your Ensure and take your nap.

No way. You're still tied to 80s/90s computer thinking. No one goes into edit their registry anymore and swap out components unless you're an actual IT guy and like it just for the sake of putting it together like building a model or playing with an erector set. Fun? To some people, sure. Major market driver? No

You forgot to end your comment with:

Sure it will. The laptop category will go away and you'll have user tablets tied to the cloud or performance based folks will have tablets that are tethered to their high performance desktop. It will be a primary interface tool.

I agree. Although I might buy my apple products customized online (because they NEVER go on sale), I like that I can bring it into the store and know that someone knows exactly how to fix it or replace it.

is a crack head really a gadget?

Did you go to catholic or prep school? Navy blazers and skirts abounded as I came of age...

I disagree. I've found that your wife tends to wear red when she's feeling particularly kinky and then, once she's tired and wants to cuddle puts on dark blues, black or green and goes home.

How great is your statistical sample?

Do they go for rides on Joe Mama's Mustache?