
Good observation - let's put all our nuclear waste in this cave!

Now playing

Let me let the West Wing make my arguments here.

I can maybe agree with some of the tenets of creationism right up until the about about 2.1 billion years ago when life nucleus cells with life emerged in the primordial soup, but I'm still open to a scientific explanation of that should one emerge. I believe there's a greater power or force out there, be it God or

So simplified research with fruit flys discredit all potential for evolution? ok..... please tell us more.

Ok, I'll bite. Why?

This guy. :)

I in fact would LOVE to attend a party with hydrogen filled balloons - I'll bring a yardstick with a lighter taped ot the end of it. Does it make you talk funny if you suck it in also?

This string of comments right here is 70% of the reason I love gizmodo.

Are you the slingshot guy that's always featured on here?

Mostly. ;)

Great graphic - what's the source?

Loving this whole series. Well done.

how do you know?

well said.

I think this article was pretty up front about that and this blog has a lot of readers interested in when and what might be released - in other words: good gadget tech rumors.

And the likelihood of that for this genious is?

That was one of the biggest issues with the DSK case. The French were appalled at the idea of a handcuffed perp walk media event.

Newt Gingrich? ewwww

If only the politicians would give me an opportunity to provide my input. They just don't understand what Everybody wants and needs.

No - you need to add three little dots in the middle. Then make it go viral on everyone Facebook wall. Then have other tech sites cover it. Eventually though you'll get there. Keep working at it.