
Thank you.

You should really pay attention to your readership and just pull this post altogether.


Oh no - you just gave him something else to be paranoid about.


Where's part II???? What happened when the cop came back after saying "stay in your vehicle" at the end? Why did his dbag friend stop filming?

Thank you, Tom. Or should I say Sheldon.

Some ladies would agree... Bodhi!

It's the same as when you're driving and a cop is behind you. Your tags are up to date. Your brake lights work. You're driving within the limit. But damn if you're not sweating and feel the need to make a turn you normally wouldn't just to get him off your tail.

Happy Halloween.

But there's no crime in the southern hemisphere - why would they need this?

That's so much better than anything in this article. I think I just found Christmas gifts for female relatives.

Yes. This does not deserve internet props.

You know you'd have this for less than 3 hours before it's spewing smoke out the back of your pants while you leave a public restroom.

Actually it's extremely useful in urban areas where you have multiple businesses located vertically at the same address - it lets you see what you're looking for as opposed to just a square on a flat grid. Also as augmented reality becomes increasingly viable all of the places and foursquare type and

I think a lot of it is probably new users. Most of us that have had iphones for a while (or any smartphone really) understand that brightness, GPS and leaving certain features on will burn battery faster and modify those things regularly. My wifi is off unless I'm home or ina startbucks so it's not always searching

Actually they still need warrants - it's not like the opinion column or movies. The patriot act just streamlines some of the process if there's a specific connection to terrorism. If there's cause, the FBI can perform an assessment on readily accessible information and IF that crosslinks with a known point of

Well said sir.

Yeah - once it popped into my head i felt it would be selfish of me not to share it with the world.

The Yankees weren't even around then, silly. The Dodgers were still playing in Brooklyn.