
People he's fine. Google just found one horcrux is all - they have a long way to go...

Yeah - with substantial funds. I wonder what the rent would be per sf if all of these costs needed to be amortized over 20 years like a typical building. Luckily they have city, state and federal funds as well as tourist dollars offsetting it.

A slide? I'm not sure you fully comprehend 104 stories and 30+ thousand people. Where would it end? There's no point in putting something that can move people faster than people can move themselves away from the bottom of it.


You're not alone.

Unfortunately I think the fun will end for any of us grandfathered in the unlimited AT&T plan as they roll out '4G'

Most of AT&T's bad press against the Verizon network comes from the NY Metro area (and maybe a couple other major markets). In DC, I have an AT&T iPhone and a Verizon BB (work obviously) and rarely have issues with AT&T - especially now that they've wired up many of the metro stations. For most of the country, it

Unlimited Data*

As apple implements iCloud you'll be pulling data constantly for stuff you probably keep on your phone now.

Don't take the bait, Gizmodians! This is just posted to identify trolls. Anyone that comments is in the middle ground at best and therefore presenting "dickishness" behavior that can get you destarred or banned.

My apologies for your upcoming weekend.

In the first photo, is that some kind of dog 'planking'?

Oh yeah - that doesn't include the cost or burden of getting 'training materials' - eg the illegal stuff the dogs look for... everything from drugs to explosives (trained in many cases with 'simulant' explosives that aren't dangerous). Obviously these could be difficult to obtain on your own (lifestyle and

Dogs are free - they breed them, and the dogs are happy to do that... Training, food, housing, vet bills and payin the people that take care of them costs money.

They should be able to fit you like a fingerpuppet.

Kermit and Mosaic. And watching porn appear one pixel at a time ("Please let her be hot... please let her be hot!") really taught you stamina and patience. Unlike the kids these days with their 4G and instant gratification.

You assume there's a wheel someone is at in the first place. ;)

The guy that owns that farmfield in western Kentucky that the little green dot is on should start setting up bleachers and recruiting friends to charge for parking that day. Maybe make some deals with a local hotel to sell some package deals.

Was Richard Gere on the flight? Oh wait - that was a hamster...

Yes. sorry.