
One could do worse than be a swinger of birches...

Whatever doesn't kill you, probably hurt like a motherf@#$er!

back in college, I actually had a stripper pickup four quarters that were balanced on my nose... there you go - now that image is burned into your brain forever. I thought the real trick would've been if she could give me 10 cents change.

It's a bank of the banks, by the banks and for the banks. It serves its purpose in a larger sense in a true democracy, but has substantial opportunities to be biased toward bank's interest (read limited # of CEO's and traders that make money off of shifting millioins of peoples money back and forth) instead of the

I prefer to throw coins at them.

If he has actual lenses this big I'm assuming his sex life is limited to neighbors with open blinds anyway...

Maybe they were racist, or sexist, or agist? let's see how many things Leahy and Daschle have in common... As well as Tom Brokaw and the Post.

Just ask News of the World!

Is was built prior to the housing boom/economic implosion when everyone feels they need to live in $500,000 houses they can't afford. This was and is still incredibly functional and serves the purpose of a relaxing and comfortable place to unwind.

Thank you. I remember hearing about that and completely forgot. Just purchased for Kindle on iPhone now - perfect boat reading for the weekend!

the stars life is in equal proportion to the duration of sex

wash away the rain.

So is he using the actual phone that Michael Douglass had on the beach in Wall Street? What is he holding to his ear? That would potentially the coolest thing he's ever done, were it true... while quoting "Greed is Good!" at some point during the interview. Or maybe - "This is your wakeup call, Buddy"

AT 750 million, he's got a lock on the personal user community that isn't dedicated to the tech world but just wants to stay in touch with friends and family. And advertising is the tip of the iceberg - now that all the data is consolidated and available (for a fee to FB/zuck) the follow-up income resources are

no, it was Ace.

Suck it up till september and get the new one...

Now playing

Maybe the combination of the reactors and the motors sounds like an OK Go song?

Just shut up and go with it. You're reading Giz. Focus on the cool and fun. Don't let the details get in the way of a good story.


Awesome. I'd love to ride one of those bikes in flight and do an ET impression.